英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-04 00:55:28


英 [ˌʌnˈspəʊkən]

美 [ʌnˈspokən]



  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. (想法、愿望、感情)没有言明的,没有说出口的
If your thoughts, wishes, or feelings are unspoken, you do not speak about them.

e.g. His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism...
e.g. The other unspoken fear here is of an outbreak of hooliganism.

2. (协议等)不成文的,默契的,默认的
When there is an unspoken agreement or understanding between people, their behaviour shows that they agree about something or understand it, even though they have never spoken about it.


e.g. There had been an unspoken agreement between them that he would not call for her at Seymour House...
e.g. Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.

1. 未说出口的:unsoundness of mind 精神不健全;精神失常 | unspoken 未说出口的 | unspoken agreement 默契

2. 无言:8.Flying High 高飞 | 9.Unspoken 无言 | 10.First Dance 一流舞蹈

3. unspoken在线翻译

3. 未说出口的;非口语的:spoken 口语的adj. | unspoken 未说出口的;非口语的adj. | Δposture 姿势;体态n.

4. (无语):Expressed (表达) | Unspoken(无语) | External(外在)

  • 经典引文

  • It was an unspoken thing between them.

    出自:E. Figes
  • The most important communication from a patient is unspoken.

    出自:P. Casement
Their unspoken attitude?(他们真实的态度是什么呢?)
Yet in their hearts there is unspoken - unspeakable! - fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts!(但是他们心中有着难以言表的无法形容的恐惧,他们害怕词语和思想!)
The unspoken message was loud and clear: "We don't talk about cancer, and we don't talk about Mummy."(未说出的话嘹亮而清晰:“我们不谈论癌症,我们也不谈论妈妈。”)
remain most unspoken.(最强烈的感情往往是最深藏不露的。)
Instead, the booksellers, like many other retailers, rely on unspoken conventions about the prices of their goods.(其实,书商与其它许多零售商一样,依赖于针对其商品价格的默认惯例。)
The photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken conversation.(这张照片是一个提醒,是一个被捕捉的瞬间,是一段无言的对话。)
But the unspoken theme of the article is that no one arrives - the destination keeps shifting.(然而,这篇文章的潜在主题是没有顾客光临——顾客的目的地总在变化。)
Todd: No, but the relationship is certainly shaped by an unspoken rivalry.(托德:不,但这种关系必定受制于无言的竞争。)
The unspoken answer, for many European countries, is "Russia".(对许多欧洲国家来说,这个不言而喻的答案就是俄罗斯。)
Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.(大多数设计师都有一种心照不宣的信念,即时尚是视觉艺术的一种重要形式。)
unspoken是什么意思 unspoken在线翻译 unspoken什么意思 unspoken的意思 unspoken的翻译 unspoken的解释 unspoken的发音 unspoken的同义词