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更新时间:2025-03-03 07:40:57



英 [ə'pɒləʊ]

美 [ə'pɑ:loʊ]


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  • 网络解释

1. Apollo在线翻译

1. 亚波罗:(10) 亚波罗(Apollo) 通译阿波罗,古希腊神话中的太阳神. (16) 爱尔俾尼(Alpeni) 古希腊的城市. (25) 弱也则弃之泰噶托士之谷 据普鲁塔克<>第十六节,古代斯巴达的新生婴儿,必须经过国家长老的检查,认为健壮合格的,

2. apollo:article procurement with online local ordering; 利用当地在线定购系统采购物品〖电子商务〗

The photos reveal images of the Apollo moon landing sites.(这些照片揭示了阿波罗登月时的图像。)
Right across the street, Apollo, you have where all of great Michael Jackson.(在这条街的对面,阿波罗,在那你会看到伟大的迈克·杰克逊。)
Many of us have watched the lunar voyage of Apollo.(我们许多人观看了阿波罗号登月。)
Yet in many ways Conrad's was the most interesting Apollo mission of all.(然而,从很多方面看,康拉德的阿波罗任务是最有意思的一次。)
But Apollo 13's astronauts did survive.(但阿波罗13号的宇航员们幸存下来了。)
Marsyas thought he could play the flute better than Apollo and challenged the god to a contest.(玛息阿觉得他长笛吹得比阿波罗好,便向这位神发出挑战。)
In 250 BC at a festival to Apollo, a band of several hundred musicians played a five-movement piece celebrating Apollo's victory over python.(在公元前250年一个阿波罗的节日上,数百名音乐家组成的乐队演奏了五重奏来庆祝阿波罗战胜了蟒蛇。)
He's absorbed the touching authority of Phoebus Apollo, the god of the sun.(他吸收了太阳神阿波罗的感人至深的权威。)
Have you ever seen the movie Apollo 13?(你有没有看过电影《阿波罗13号》?)
It could be another Manhattan Project or Apollo program.(这或可堪比曼哈顿计划和阿波罗项目。)
Apollo是什么意思 Apollo在线翻译 Apollo什么意思 Apollo的意思 Apollo的翻译 Apollo的解释 Apollo的发音 Apollo的同义词