英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɒd]

美 [rɑ:d]



  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 棍棒,棒
  • 竿,钓竿
  • 权力,权威
  • 荆条,枝条
  • 权杖,杖
  • 专制统治
  • 惩罚
  • 手枪
  • 一节树枝
  • 柳条
  • 魔杖
  • 拷打
  • =rewritable optical disc 【计】可重写光盘
  • 捣实
  • [C]竿,杆,棒 a long think pole


1. any rod-shaped bacterium

2. a gangster's pistol

Synonym: gat

3. a long thin implement made of metal or wood

4. a visual receptor cell that is sensitive to dim light

Synonym: rod cellretinal rod

5. a square rod of land

Synonym: perchpole

6. a linear measure of 16.5 feet

Synonym: perchpole

1. 杆;棒;竿
A rod is a long, thin metal or wooden bar.

e.g. ...a 15-foot thick roof that was reinforced with steel rods.

1. 杆:这个解的结果可能因为建构模型时,错误的仿真零件特性或它的环境变量,或是软件本杆(rod)和梁(beam)元素表示力是作用在一直在线;梁可以承受弯矩行为但杆则不可;这些元素通常被用来仿真桥梁、洐架、近海平台、飞机上绳索和平板补强件上.

2. rod的解释

2. 棒:其典型做法是使用图表(chart)和涂有各种颜色的小木棒(rod)通过启发式教授语音、词汇和语法结构. 教师说出一个音素或单词后,先让学生听多遍,在学生理解含义后自己开口使用语言,沉默法的主要弱点是:由于周围环境都是本族语,


3. 杆;枝:视网膜的接收器有两种,就是小杆枝(Rod)及图锥(Cone),小杆枝是在夜晚较灵敏的接收器,但不能辨别颜色,因为它只有一个色素. 高照明时,小杆枝的反应饱和,光全部到圆锥接收器,圆锥有三个色素(Pigment),

4. rod:rest of day; 当日有效单

5. rod:receive only device; 只能接收的设备,只收设备

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Pass me a bamboo rod.
  • The rod bent as he pulled in the fish.
  • The wheels of the toy car were fixed on metal rods.
用作名词 (n.)
  • He was..sentenced to..twenty strokes of the birch rod.

    出自:L. Strachey
  • Negroes have been battered by the iron rod of oppression.

    出自:M. L. King
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的rodd,意为竿;最初源自古斯堪的那维亚语的rudda,意为棒子。
Other possible reasons include problems with the oil pump, rod and main bearing clearances, camshaft stopping playing, or cam bearings and lifters.(其他可能的原因包括油泵问题、杆和主轴承的空隙、凸轮轴停止工作、或者凸轮的方位和升降。)
I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.(我把我的鱼竿靠在松树的一个大树枝上。)
They must have confused me with my twin brother Rod.(他们一定把我和我的孪生兄弟罗德搞混了。)
He was deeply interested in science and natural history and his experiments with electricity and lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod.(他对科学和自然史非常感兴趣,且他对电和闪电的实验直接推动了避雷针的发明。)
Rod, you said you'd take this package to the post office yesterday.(罗德,你昨天说你会把这个包裹送到邮局去的。)
Then came steel strings, and that led to the lap guitar—which is also called the steel guitar because the player slides a steel rod up and down the neck.(然后出现了钢丝弦,接着膝上吉他就诞生了。膝上吉他也被称为钢吉他,因为演奏者会在琴颈上下滑动一个钢棒。)
He is a lightning rod for controversy.(他是个富有争议的人物.)
A railway worker named Phineas Gage survived an incident during which a metal rod skewered his skull, taking a considerable amount of his neocortex with it.(一位名叫菲尼亚斯·盖奇的铁路工人在一次事故中幸免于难,当时一根金属棒刺穿了他的头骨,并带走了相当多的新皮层。)
This is a traditional fuel rod lens that glows underwater.(这是一个传统的水下发光的燃料棒镜头。)
But later on, it led to the invention of lightening rod.(但后来,它导致了避雷针的发明。)
rod是什么意思 rod在线翻译 rod什么意思 rod的意思 rod的翻译 rod的解释 rod的发音 rod的同义词