英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [eɪ]

美 [ɑ]




过去式: aahed 过去分词: aahed 现在分词: aahing 第三人称单数: aahs

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. express admiration and pleasure by uttering `ooh' or `aah'

e.g. They oohed and aahed when they unwrapped the presents

Synonym: ooh

1. aah

1. 非典型腺瘤样增生:结果23例持续存在的fGGO,经确诊支气管肺泡癌(BAC)9例,腺癌5例,非典型腺瘤样增生(AAH)1例,局灶性机化性肺炎2例,支原体、衣原体抗体阳性2例,4例复查病例中有1例高度建议手术,余3例病灶范围逐渐缩小或无变化,仍在随访观察中.

2. 啊:Aah! Aah! 啊! 啊! | Aah! 啊! | DORY: Wow. Dusty. 喔,好浑浊...

3. 哎呀:Unh ! Uhh.|嗯! 嗯. | Aah !|哎呀! | What do you want ?|你想做什么?

4. aah:atypical adenomatous hyperplasia; 不典型腺瘤样增生

5. aah:acute arrest of hemotopaisis; 急性造血功能停滞

6. aah:armored artillery howitzer; 装甲榴弹炮

7. aah:advanced attack helicopter; 先进攻击直升机

Dave: Aah, I must find out where Hugh Anderson was born.(戴夫:啊哈,我必须找到他出生在哪儿。)
Aah! The witch will be burned!(啊!这个女巫会被烧死!)
Aah, you changed so fast.(啊,你变得太快了。)
Aah! They shouted when the thousands of little lights in the ball come on.(当球上数千个小灯点亮时,他们惊呼起来。)
Aah... Shifu. There's just news.(啊…师傅。消息就是消息。)
Aah! - The witch will still burn!(啊!-女巫仍要被烧死!)
Someday I'll find you, dream woman. Aah! Dream woman! Come back!(总有一天我会找到你的,梦中女神。啊!我的女神!别跑啊!)
I just had my first child last year and aah...(去年我有了第一个孩子,我很兴奋。)
Aah! Daddy! Help me!(啊!爸爸!救我!)
Alex: Yeah and it was just aah horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible.(亚历克斯:对,感觉非常糟糕,非常可怕,非常不好。)
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