英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [æˈberənt]

美 [æˈbɛrənt, ˈæbə-]


副词: aberrantly 名词: aberrance

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  • 反常的,异常的 departing from an accepted standard; not following the normal or correct way; changed from what is right; changed from what is usual
  • 变异的,畸变的 not like the rest of his kind


1. one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group


1. markedly different from an accepted norm

e.g. aberrant behavior
deviant ideas

Synonym: deviantdeviate

1. 异常的;离经叛道的;为社会不容的
Aberrant means unusual and not socially acceptable.

e.g. Ian's rages and aberrant behavior worsened.

1. 异常:在那些右位主动脉弓中,永存左上腔静脉引流入冠状窦、右锁骨下动脉异常(aberrant)起源于胸降主动脉、卵圆孔未闭或继发孔型房间隔缺损等等. 这些应用标准命名法充分描述. 文献中经常应用到两个额外的名词,

2. 异常的:abductor 外展肌 | aberrant 异常的 | aberrant type 异常型

3. aberrant的反义词

3. 偏离航线的:Aberdeen 阿伯丁 | aberrant 偏离航线的 | aberration angle 光行差角

4. 畸变:aberrant behavior 异常行为 | aberrant 畸变 | aberration of light 光行差

  • 词汇搭配

用作形容词 (adj.)
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • aberrant作“反常的,异常的”解时有两个含义,一是偏离“正”的,即偏离真理的,偏离真实的,偏离事实的;二是偏离“常”的,即偏离常轨的,简言之,即“偏离正常”,多用于思想、行为、道德等方面。
  • aberrant用于术语,主要是指生物学的“畸形的;畸变的”,也可指“错位的,异位的;迷行的”。
  • aberrant不用于比较等级。
abnormal, aberrant,irregular, unnatural, unusual
  • 这组词均表示“异常的”。abnormal通常指形状、状态等的异常; aberrant在科学上专指不同于所属类别;irregular通常指违背一般的习惯或规则,即“不合常规的,不规则的”; unnatural指违反自然法则的不正常,即“不自然的,变态的”;unusual则强调独特,稀有,别具一格。
  • 相关列句
    Aberrant behaviour, often brought on by boredom, is not unusual in zoo animals.(在动物园里,类似的异常行为并不罕见。)
    The markets' extraordinarily low expected inflation in January was both aberrant and worrisome — not today's.(较之今天,市场利率一月份令人心焦的狂泻绝非常态。)
    With epigenetic drugs, it is possible to reverse aberrant gene expression profiles associated with different disease states.(用表观药物,可能逆转与不同疾病状态相关的异常的基因表达谱。)
    Objective To detect the expression and aberrant methylation of T-cadherin in cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC).(目的检测皮肤基底细胞癌(BCC)中T钙黏蛋白的表达以及异常甲基化。)
    Concha bullosa is the aberrant pneumatization of the middle turbinate. Large concha bullosa may be obstructive and require resection.(泡性鼻甲是中鼻甲内异常的气腔,大的泡性鼻甲可以引起阻塞并需要手术切除。)
    At the very least, in a country where restaurants serve snails, fast food is clearly culturally aberrant.(至少,在一个遍布蜗牛餐馆的国度,快餐明显属于异类。)
    Aberrant somatic hypermutation and deregulation of the oncogene BCL-6 are associated with lymphomagenesis.(异常的超变和异常的致癌基因BCL-6与淋巴瘤的发生具有相关性。)
    Keep it simple, eat your vegetables. I mean that's really what this comes down to. Seriously, don't get confused by aberrant data, by projections.(说的简单一些,吃蔬菜。我的意思是这实在是最后的道理。不开玩笑地讲,不要被不着边际的数据和预测所迷惑。)
    Royston Valley is an aberration and its inhabitants, who consider themselves aboriginals, are aberrant.(罗伊斯顿山谷是块怪异之地,那儿的居民性格怪异,自认为是土著。)
    Objective To explore the mechanism of enalapril for inversing aberrant hemorrheology and micro-circulation in essential hypertension.(目的观察马来酸依那普利逆转高血压病患者异常血流变学及微循环的作用。)
    aberrant是什么意思 aberrant在线翻译 aberrant什么意思 aberrant的意思 aberrant的翻译 aberrant的解释 aberrant的发音 aberrant的同义词