英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ʌnˈkɒmən]

美 [ʌnˈkɑ:mən]


副词: uncommonly 比较级: uncommoner 最高级: uncommonest 名词: uncommonness

  • 详情解释

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 非凡的
  • 罕见的
  • 不寻常的
  • 杰出的
  • 不常见的
  • 不平常的
  • 不常有的
  • 稀罕的
  • 程度深的
  • 特别大的
  • 难得的
  • 非常的
  • 珍奇的
  • 不普遍的
  • 不(平)凡的
  • 不普通的
  • 非常地

1. 不平常的;罕见的
If you describe something as uncommon, you mean that it does not happen often or is not often seen.

e.g. Cancer of the breast in young women is uncommon...
e.g. A 15-year lifespan is not uncommon for a dog.

2. 非凡的;杰出的;罕有的
If you describe a quality, usually a good quality, as uncommon, you mean that it is unusually great in degree or amount.


e.g. Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things...
e.g. She read Cecelia's last letter with uncommon interest.

Mary was uncommonly good at tennis.

1. 罕见,非凡的:ultimate 最终的 | uncommon 罕见,非凡的 | units 单位,单元


2. 不常见的,不普通的:irrigate 灌溉 | uncommon 不常见的,不普通的 | common sense 有常识的 sense感觉感观

3. 不凡的:uncommitted 未被授权 | uncommon 不凡的 | uncommonly 罕见地

4. 不普通的:unable 不能......的 | uncommon 不普通的 | unhealthy 不健康的

  • 经典引文

  • Nor is it an uncommon thing to behold ignorance and zeal united in men.

    出自:G. Berkeley
  • Such globules are not uncommon in the Milky Way.

    出自:F. Hoyle
  • Tommaso had uncommon eyes, neither blue nor grey.

    出自:M. Warner
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Rabbis are not uncommon in larger cities of the south.(犹太教祭司在南方大城市并不罕见。)
Such things are not uncommon in Guinea.(这种事在几内亚并非罕见。)
She showed uncommon pleasure at his arrival.(他的到来令她异常欢喜。)
It's not uncommon to find your tray table broken, the in-flight entertainment system not working and your seat cushion worn.(你的小餐桌坏了,飞机上的娱乐系统坏了或者座垫坏了,这些都是很常见的。)
Red squirrels are uncommon in England.(红松鼠在英格兰很少见。)
But where do these pains come from? According to a German professor Kangri, the soreness comes from straining your muscles in an uncommon way.(但是这些疼痛从何而来呢?根据德国教授康格里的说法,这种疼痛来自于以一种不寻常的方式拉伸你的肌肉。)
Both are blessed with an uncommon ability to fix things.(俩人都有幸具有不寻常的修理东西的能力。)
The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with uncommon diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone.(社交网络的兴起使患有罕见疾病的人更容易相互联系,也不那么孤独了。)
"Well, I never heard it before," said the Mock Turtle, "but it sounds uncommon nonsense."(“我以前从来没有听过,”假海龟说,“但这听起来像是不同寻常的胡言乱语。”)
That is a very odd and uncommon name, is it a usual one in your family?(那个名字真奇怪,不常见。你们家常有这样的名字吗?)
uncommon是什么意思 uncommon在线翻译 uncommon什么意思 uncommon的意思 uncommon的翻译 uncommon的解释 uncommon的发音 uncommon的同义词