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英 [ədˈhɪərənt]

美 [ədˈhɪrənt]



副词: adherently

  • 英英释义

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1. someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another

Synonym: disciple


1. sticking fast

1. 追随者;拥护者;信徒
An adherent is someone who holds a particular belief or supports a particular person or group.


e.g. This idea is gaining adherents.

1. 附着:溶解於各种溶剂(尤其石化系矿物油溶剂)以利涂装或涂膜(Coating)在固体产品(包括各种木质或金属材料产品)表面,经加热或乾燥(空气氧化)予以蒸发其溶剂后,形成一层薄膜(Film),可紧紧地附著(adherent),而坚韧(tough),


2. 拥护者:Summon Reanimated Adherent 将一名拥护者(Adherent)转化为再活化的拥护者. 再活化的拥护者在被击杀数秒后可以复生. Summon Reanimated Fanatic 将一名狂热者(Fanatic)转化为再活化的狂熱者. 再活化的狂熱者在被击杀数秒后可以复生.

3. 信徒,追随者,拥护者:frenzy 狂暴,狂怒 | adherent 信徒,追随者,拥护者 | benighted 愚昧的

  • 经典引文

  • To be adherent to the King's enemies.

    出自:W. Fulbecke
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Zinc is a chemically active metal, but its corrosion products are generally dense and adherent.(锌是一种化学性质活泼的金属,但它的腐蚀生成物一般有高的密度和附着力。)
Rip's sole domestic adherent was his dog Wolf, who was as much hen-pecked as his master.(在家里,瑞普的唯一知己就是那条名叫“狼”的狗,“狼”和他主人一样怕女主人。)
Thiss excavation was great because the cloth was still preserved and the feces was still adherent to the cloth on some of the sticks.(这项发掘至关重要,因为织物至今得以保存,而且有几根棍子的外层织物上还沾着排泄物。)
A newcomer or latecomer, especially a recent adherent to a cause or fashion.(新来者,后来者:新来的人或最近来的人,尤指最近追随某一事业或时尚的人。)
It represents Russell's first revolt against the Hegelian philosophy, of which he was an adherent in his early days at Cambridge.(它说明了罗素对他在剑桥初期追随的黑格尔哲学的第一次反叛。)
We research water pollution by determine adherent algae, and provide basis to control water pollution.(通过对着生藻类的测定,来反映水质的污染情况,为治理水污染提供依据。)
She is not "the talent" known by all people one night, and she is an adherent who has diligent, modest spirit.(她并非是一夜成名的“天才”,但却是个有着孜孜不倦、谦虚好学精神的坚持者。)
The baby had thin, tightly adherent skin that causes arthrogryposis and respiratory insufficiency.(患婴有著薄,紧贴的皮肤,造成关节脔缩及呼吸不全。)
An adherent or advocate of a specified doctrine, theory, or school of thought.(主义者,…信仰者:表示“某一具体的学说、理论或学派思潮的信徒或拥护者”)
The adherent cells were gained by cultivated in vitro.(体外培养以获得贴壁细胞。)
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