英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:11:00



英 [əˈgɒg]

美 [əˈgɑ:g]


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1. highly excited

1. 渴望的;急切的;热切期待的
If you are agog, you are excited about something, and eager to know more about it.

e.g. The city was agog with rumours last night that the two had been executed.

1. 兴奋的:ago 以前 | agog 兴奋的 | agoing 在进行中


2. 兴奋的,有强烈兴趣的:agile 敏捷的,灵活的 | agog 兴奋的,有强烈兴趣的 | agreeable 令人喜悦的,欣然同意的

3. 迫不及待的:agnosticismknow-nothingismnescience 不可知论 | agog 迫不及待的 | agogathirstitchingitchykeen-setlickerishraringravenoussharp-setsolicitousyearning 渴望的

4. 急待:stagger 蹒跚 | agog 急待 | gasp for breath 呼吸困难,上气不接下气

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The prospect of Christmas left the children agog.(对圣诞节的憧憬使得孩子们兴奋不已。)
Then, of course, there is Wolfram
Alpha, the net’s algorithimic genius that the tech press is agog over.(接下来的当然是Wolfram
Young people are agog about entrepreneurship.(年轻人的创业热忱很高。)
Less than a week old, it already has Westminster agog with its well-sourced but roundly denied allegations, serialised in the Observer weekly newspaper for which Mr Rawnsley writes.(还不足一周时间,这本书里那些根据充分却大部分遭到否决的控诉就已引起威斯敏斯特议会的极大兴趣,而且此书在罗恩斯利写专栏的《观察者周刊》得到连载。)
Europe was then agog at the apparent success of John Law's schemes in France, where the sale of shares in a project to develop the Mississippi delta had relieved the monarchy of much of its debt.(当时的欧陆正为约翰•劳法国方案的表层成功而兴奋不已。该方案出售项目股权用以开发密西西比三角洲,缓解了君主国法兰西的许多债务。)
The children were all agog to hear the story.(孩子们都渴望着要听这个故事。)
That set the whole town agog with excitement.(那件事于全镇的居民兴奋不已。)
While the world is agog over international transmission of the swine flu, let me take this teachable moment to remind people, animals bite back.(当世界热切希望结束国际猪流感的传播的时候,让我借此施教时刻提醒人们,动物会对我们以牙还牙。)
agog是什么意思 agog在线翻译 agog什么意思 agog的意思 agog的翻译 agog的解释 agog的发音 agog的同义词