英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈætrəfi]

美 [ˈætrəfi]



形容词: atrophic 名词复数: atrophies 过去式: atrophied 过去分词: atrophied 现在分词: atrophying 第三人称单数: atrophies

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1. any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)

Synonym: withering

2. a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse

Synonym: wastingwasting away


1. undergo atrophy

e.g. Muscles that are not used will atrophy

1. (肌肉或身体其他部分)萎缩
If a muscle or other part of the body atrophies, it decreases in size or strength, often as a result of an illness.

e.g. Scott's muscle atrophied, his leg became stunted, and he was left lame...
e.g. Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.

2. (事物的尺寸、程度、影响力等由于不使用或未受到保护而)变小,退化
If something atrophies, its size, degree, or effectiveness decreases because it is not used or protected.

e.g. If you allow your mind to stagnate, this particular talent will atrophy...
e.g. Many hoped he would renew the country's atrophied political system.

1. 萎缩, 萎缩症:anthology 诗选, 文选 | atrophy 萎缩, 萎缩症 | trophy 战利品, 奖品


2. 萎缩 萎縮; 減縮現象:atrio 火口原,锥间谷 火山口源 Y | atrophy 萎缩 萎縮; 減縮現象 Y | attractant 引诱剂 誘引物質 Y

3. 萎縮;減縮現象:atrio lake 火山口湖 | atrophy 萎縮;減縮現象 | attached algae 附著藻

  • 经典引文

  • Organs are strengthened by exercise and atrophied by disuse.

    出自:J. S. Mill
  • The pressure of commercial life has crushed and atrophied that creative impulse completely.

    出自:R. Fry
  • She was too old to learn anything new and..her brain had become atrophied.

    出自:B. Pym
Exercise can lead to skeletal muscle hypertrophy preventing atrophy.(运动能够引起骨骼肌肥大,防止肌萎缩的发生。)
The cerebral atrophy rapidly worsened was one of the consequences of delayed encephalopathy after acute co intoxication.(脑萎缩的迅速加重是急性CO中毒后迟发性脑病的后果之一。)
Conclusion Subcortical ischemic vascular dementia may be correlated with the degree of brain atrophy and the number of thalamus infarcts.(结论皮质下缺血性血管性痴呆可能与脑萎缩的程度和丘脑梗死的数目密切相关。)
Objective: Clinical features and mechanisms of post-traumatic diffuse cerebral atrophy were retrospectively analyzed.(目的:探讨外伤性弥漫性脑萎缩的临床特征及其形成机制。)
Conditions associated with mucosal atrophy include iron deficiency, some vitamin deficiencies, and sideropenic dysphagia.(与粘膜萎缩相关的症状包括缺铁、某些维生素缺乏和缺铁性吞咽困难。)
Distinguishing the two dementias based on volumetric measurements of brain atrophy with MRI has been only partially successful.(鉴别这两种痴呆是以磁共振显示脑萎缩的容积测量为依据的,且仅部分病例能鉴别出来。)
Objective To investigate the effect of neuromuscular pedicle transplantation in preventing the atrophy in denervated muscle.(目的研究神经肌蒂移植对骨骼肌失神经肌萎缩的预防作用。)
Conclusion: The CT appearances of chronic alcoholic encephalopathy were cerebral atrophy and encephalomalacia foci in different degree.(结论:慢性酒精中毒性脑病的CT表现特点是不同程度的脑软化灶和脑萎缩。)
Muscle biopsy showed: small groups atrophy mainly; extensive fiber type grouping and more hypertrophic fibers by ATP enzyme staining.(肌活检主要为小群性肌萎缩,ATP酶染色见同型肌群化及肌纤维代偿性肥大。)
If that pledge is to be kept, the bank cannot atrophy.(如果要实现这个承诺,世行就不能继续日益恶化。)
atrophy是什么意思 atrophy在线翻译 atrophy什么意思 atrophy的意思 atrophy的翻译 atrophy的解释 atrophy的发音 atrophy的同义词