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更新时间:2024-06-10 13:42:28

bargain for

英 [ˈbɑ:ɡin fɔ:]

美 [ˈbɑrɡɪn fɔr]

(常和否定词连用)指望; 企图廉价获取
  • 词典解释

1. 预料到;估计到;考虑到
If you have not bargained for or bargained on something that happens, you did not expect it to happen and so feel surprised or worried by it.

bargain for什么意思

e.g. The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for...
e.g. He had not bargained on the mad jealousy which both women developed.

But coverage on a parent's policy would likely be a better bargain for many.(但是对很多人来说,享受父母的保险似乎是更好的廉价产品。)
I didn't bargain for his arriving so soon.(我没有料到他会到得那么早。)
The rule here is not to bargain for such a chain, but certainly a customer won't be asked to pay much.(像这样的一条铁链在这里是不讲价的,因为它本身的要价就不高。)
You'll get more than you bargain for.(你会得到比你所预料的更多。)
Some friends have come to dinner, but I did not bargain for so many.(一些朋友来聚餐,但我没有料到他们来得这么多。)
It's cost will hopefully create a bargain for the buyer, yet still be enough to provide the seller with a profit.(它的成本有望创造一个讨价还价的,对买方来说,但仍然足以向卖方的利润。)
This rare piece of architecture recently sold for $135, 000—quite the bargain for a ride into the future.(这样珍奇的太空屋最近以135,000美元出售——对于通往未来的旅程,它算是很便宜的了。)
We ran out of food at the party because I didn't bargain for so many people turning up.(在宴会上我们的食物不够,因为我没有料到会有这么多人来。)
In traditional markets, you can usually bargain for the best price.(在传统市场,你通常都能议到最优惠的价格。)
We don't get to relax, but we come away feeling as if we got a bargain for our precious time.(我们不去休闲,但我们离开时感觉到好像我们是在跟我们的宝贵时间讨价还价。)
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