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更新时间:2025-03-17 08:02:47
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1. 巴瑞:幸存者--克里斯(Chris),吉尔(Jill),巴瑞(Barry)和威斯克--继续搜寻Bravo小队,却发现大部分的队员都已被丧尸所杀. 洋馆里机关重重,暗道密布,充斥着大量的变异犬,乌鸦,蜘蛛和噬血的植物. 他们浴血杀敌的同时,

Sharon also sang backup for Barry Manilow.(莎伦还为巴里·马尼洛唱了伴唱。)
Barry resigned his directorship in December 1973.(巴里于1973年12月辞去了董事一职。)
Barry was holding forth on something.(巴里正滔滔不绝地说着什么。)
Nathan is subtly trying to turn her against Barry.(内森在尽力不露声色地使她转而反对巴里。)
And then junior year she'd gone out with Barry.(然后,到了大三,她开始和巴里约会。)
Her best friend and kindred spirit is Diana Barry.(她最好的朋友和与之志同道合的人是戴安娜﹒巴里。)
"We hope that someone will ask a question that can't readily be answered," says Hopkins High School student Barry Anderson, "and through the online activities, an answer will be found—a discovery!"(“我们希望有人会提出一个无法轻易回答的问题,”霍普金斯高中的学生巴里·安德森说,“通过在线活动,找到答案,就像一个发现那样!”)
Barry was transferred to another federal prison in Loretto, Pennsylvania.(巴里被转移到宾夕法尼亚州洛雷托的另一个联邦监狱。)
Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.(露西的冷漠世故让巴里显得很不重要。)
Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes.(巴里正坐在床上系一双旧跑鞋的鞋带。)
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