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更新时间:2024-09-19 16:24:57
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1. be bent on的翻译

1. 热恋于,一心想:be based on根据,以......为基础 | be bent on热恋于,一心想 | be beside oneself忘乎所以

2. 一心想要,决心要:be drafted into 征召...入伍 | be bent on 一心想要,决心要 | be dependent on 依靠,依赖,随...而定

3. 专心致志于:belly n.腹部;腹腔 | be bent on 专心致志于 | benficial a.有益的,有利的


4. 专心于:be beneficial to || 有益于 | be bent on || 专心于 | be beset by || 被包围 为困扰, 镶有

  • 临近词

The University of Maine arches, on the other hand, can be fabricated on site — the fabric inflated, bent around a simple form and infused with resin using a vacuum pump.(而另一方面,缅因大学的拱梁可以在现场构建——纤维布套充气、弯曲成简单形状,用真空泵灌注树脂。)
On the 10th, don't be too bent out of shape by a disruption (in the form of a problem) that shakes up your plans. Something (or someone) will come to your rescue.(在10号时,不要太过于受被破坏走样(形式上一个问题)而动摇你的计划。某些事情(或某人)将会援救你的。)
Based on the contact type measuring machine for bent tube, the probe, which is improved by using laser and CCD, can be used to achieve the non contact measurement of a bent tube.(在接触式弯管测量机的基础上,采用激光CCD对测量叉进行改进,实现弯管的非接触测量。)
Lying on your side with your knees bent is likely to be the most comfortable position as your pregnancy progresses.(随着怀孕的时间增加,弯着膝盖侧睡将会是让你感觉最舒服的姿势。)
Mr Hollande may still be bent on his new 75% top tax rate, yet on other matters the tone has changed.(奥朗德先生可能还在一心致力于他的新的75%最高税率,但是其他问题的基调却已经悄然改变。)
And study on the case in cutting combining 6112 bent axles. Proving this percent environment evaluation method in the manufacture process can be used. And it deserve popularizing.(并且结合常见的6112曲轴的切削加工进行案例研究,证明了此制造过程百分制环境评价方法切实可用,值得推广。)
Keep your arms loose and don't lock your elbows, they should be bent in order to absorb any bumps, rather than the knock going straight on to the joint.(让您的武器松散,但没有锁定手肘,他们应该弯曲,以吸收任何碰撞,而不是直接去敲门关于联合。)
Wanted her son to work on the city, Can be bent on his son to stay in town with my friends, So father and son have a conflict between.(就想让儿子上城里工作,可儿子一心想待在镇上和朋友们在一起。于是父子之间有了矛盾。)
The Carrying Shelves are made of bent sheet metal or welded steel profiles depending on the product to be carried.(运输架是由可弯曲金属片或钢片焊接框架构成的,其结构的设计取决于被运输货物。)
The only thing to be said in their defense is that, released from the social restraints which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making the most of this freedom.(唯一可以为他们开脱的就是:在家里社会各种的条条框框使他们行为失常,所以一旦脱离了限制,他们就下定决心充分享受自由。)
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