英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:48:24



英 [ˈbi:və(r)]

美 [ˈbivɚ]

n. 海狸; 獭皮(帽); 女性生殖器

n. 护面甲

vi. 卖力地工作

过去式: beavered 过去分词: beavered 现在分词: beavering 第三人称单数: beavers

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  • 海狸
  • 海狸皮毛
  • 拼命工作的人
  • 美国俄勒冈州人
  • 河狸
  • 蓄大胡子的人
  • 黄色电影
  • 水獭呢
  • 海狸绒
  • 棕灰色
  • 海狸色
  • 海狸绒布
  • 护面甲
  • 脸罩
  • 海獭
  • 胡须
  • 留有漂亮胡须的人
  • 美髯公
  • 海狸皮
  • 獭皮帽
  • 拼命工作
  • 忙于
  • 勤奋工作
  • 埋头苦干
  • 卖力地工作


1. large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail
construct complex dams and underwater lodges

2. a hat made with the fur of a beaver (or similar material)

Synonym: castor

3. a movable piece of armor on a medieval helmet used to protect the lower face

4. a man's hat with a tall crown
usually covered with silk or with beaver fur

Synonym: dress hathigh hatopera hatsilk hatstovepipetop hattopper

5. a full beard

6. the soft brown fur of the beaver

Synonym: beaver fur


1. work hard on something

Synonym: beaver away

1. 河狸
A beaver is a furry animal with a big flat tail and large teeth. Beavers use their teeth to cut wood and build dams in rivers.

2. 河狸毛皮
Beaver is the fur of a beaver.

e.g. ...a coat with a huge beaver collar.

相关词组:beaver away

1. 河狸:5.变更者基石物种(modiferkeystonespecies),如河狸(beaver)因构筑巢穴,阻断了河川流水量而影响了当地水族生物的生存繁衍,这一种基石物种与上述几种不同,因為并不牵涉谁吃谁的营养层次相关性,而是藉由改变环境的结构来影响其他物种.

2. 狸:数年前,水狸(Beaver)建筑水坝阻挡泉水而形成. 池水虽然淹没树林与灌木,但也创造一个适合水生动植物生长的环境. 数年之后,水草与池边植物的腐植土将陆续填满池塘. 最后,周围的森林将取而代之,成为新生的阔叶林,阔叶林也将陆续为针叶林所取代.

3. 海狸:此外他最近还完成了朱迪.福斯特(Jodie Foster)执导的影片<>(Beaver)的拍摄. 签约<>标志着吉布森重新回到了由主要制片商支持的项目. 此外,吉布森还将于今年三月开始拍摄独立动作电影<>(How I Spent My Summer Vacation),

4. 水獭:驯鹿(CARIBOU)和驼鹿(MOOSE)吃莲叶;水獭(BEAVER)吃莲藕;麝鼠(MUSKRAT)吃所有剩下的东西;至于奥季布瓦人(OJIBWA,印地安人的一支)则吃花苞,将花苞和切碎的洋葱一起放入黄油中煎五分钟即可.

  • 相关词组

1. eager beaver : 做事勤奋的人;

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.beaver

The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park's red foxes, and completely drove away the park's beavers.

郊狼杀死了公园里很大一部分的红狐, 并彻底赶走了公园里的海狸。


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Sometimes I felt like I was a wild boy, or a beaver sliding through the water.(有时我觉得自己是个野男孩,或者是一个海狸在水中快速游动。)
The first Canadian postage stamp, the 1851 Three-Penny Beaver, carried its image.(1851年版三便士的河狸邮票是加拿大发行的第一枚邮票,票面就是以河狸为图案。)
No one believes a beaver consciously weighs the pros and cons of each of these elements.(没人会相信一只海狸能有意识地去权衡每个要素的利弊。)
Who’s to say the Loch Ness Monster isn’t an ancient beaver experiment that got out of hand?(谁又敢说尼斯湖水怪不是古代海狸实验的失败产物呢?)
The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home。(水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料。)
The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It to Beaver".(电视里第一次出现的厕所是在电影《反斗小宝贝》。)
Beaver and Otter understand working with all other kingdoms in relation to our construction projects.(海狸和水獭懂得与我们建造项目相关的所有其它王国们来一起工作。)
The boy is an eager beaver. All of us like him.(他是个勤快的小伙子,大伙儿都喜欢他。)
The beaver USES its large sharp teeth gnaw it.(河狸用它那尖锐的牙齿咬树皮。)
The hardest part was racing Fox and Beaver.(最艰难的部分是同狐狸和海狸比赛。)
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