Objective: To study the preparation of glucose-free bicarbonate dialysate and its clinical application.(前言:目的:探讨无糖型碳酸氢盐透析液的配制及其临床应用。)
Bicarbonate of soda. The traditional alternative to shampoo, cleans the scalp without stripping it of natural oils.(小苏打。传统的洗发水替代品,可以在不夺去天然油脂的同时清洁头皮。)
Manufacturing sales: yean, ammonium bicarbonate.(制造销售:液氨、碳酸氢铵。)
Physical aging occurs when bicarbonate in the blood decreases.(物理老化发生时,碳酸氢根在血液中减少。)
There, it reacts with CO2 dissolved in the water, converting it into bicarbonate ions.(在那里,石灰会与水中溶解的二氧化碳反应,生成碳酸氢根离子。)
Bicarbonate ions also serve as an important base in living tissue.(碳酸根离子也是活组织中的一种重要的碱。)
Ling off ammonium bicarbonate, Yean, chemical raw materials.(灵产碳酸氢铵、液氨、化工原料。)
The equilibrium conversion decreases as the initial concentration of bicarbonate increases.(苛化时随碳酸氢钠初始浓度增大,平衡苛化率下降。)
Are there side effects of the bicarbonate therapy?(是否有副作用的碳酸氢钠治疗?)
The nanometer yttrium oxides were obtained through precipitation reaction with ammonium bicarbonate.(采用碳铵沉淀工艺,进行了纳米氧化钇的制备研究。)
bicarbonate是什么意思 bicarbonate在线翻译 bicarbonate什么意思 bicarbonate的意思 bicarbonate的翻译 bicarbonate的解释 bicarbonate的发音 bicarbonate的同义词