英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 11:02:05



英 [baɪd]

美 [baɪd]


过去式: bided/bode 过去分词: bided 现在分词: biding 第三人称单数: bides

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  • 居住
  • 等待
  • 停留
  • 面临
  • 禁得起
  • 持续
  • 经受
  • 等一下
  • 忍耐
  • 等待时机
  • 保持下去


1. dwell

e.g. You can stay with me while you are in town
stay a bit longer--the day is still young

Synonym: abidestay

1. 等待时机;等待良机
If you bide your time, you wait for a good opportunity before doing something.

e.g. He was content to bide his time patiently, waiting for the opportunity to approach her.

1. 等待:小花在前永远尊敬(revere)做做在前是乱写/涂鸦(doodle),种类在前是点燃(kindle),蛇儿乘风来骗取(swindle),弟弟随风日渐少(dwindle)离开爱的要忍耐(abide),不爱你的要等待(bide)一条卷发(curl)他简短(curt),

2. 克制:果然翁招(出过的) - 镜膜+ 反击+ 垂死挣扎(Struggle) + 克制(BIDE)aucy中看不到果然翁有垂死挣扎(Struggle)和克制(BIDE)aucy中看不到果然翁有垂死挣扎(Struggle)和克制(BIDE)aucy中看不到果然翁有垂死挣扎(Struggle)和克制(BIDE)

3. 居住:bide one's time 等待时机 | bide 居住 | bidentate 有二齿的

4. bide的反义词

4. 勒住:74 Focus Energy 蓄气 | 75 Bide 勒住 | 76 Metronome 摇手指

'Bide here a bit, and the cart will soon come, no doubt,' said Mrs Durbeyfield.(“在这儿等一会儿吧,马车很快就要来了,这是用不着怀疑的,”德北菲尔德太太说。)
I've got to bide my time, it doesn't happen overnight.(我要用时间去展开我的工作,这绝不是一朝一夕能解决的。)
Strike the bell and bide the danger.(敲响钟,等候危险的来临。)
Poor ruined little head, it shall not lack friend or shelter whilst I bide with the living.(可怜的坏了的小脑袋,只要我和在一起,它就不会缺少朋友或庇护所。)
But God is love, so I will bide me, bide me.(这爱是神的爱,因此我要忍耐。)
It's you, it's you who must go, and I must bide.(你,你必须要离开了,而我必须留下。)
Patience Pays Off: Bide Your Time And Save(耐心等待回报:付出时间,节约了成本)
We are very happy with Julio Cesar and Francesco Toldo, who unfortunately must bide his time on the bench.(我们对拥有门将朱里奥·塞萨尔感到满意,同时我们在板凳上还坐着托尔多这样的球员。)
If you will send me one little line and say, I am coming soon, I will bide on, Angel, o so cheerfully!(你只要写一句话给我寄来,说:“我很快就来了,”我就等着你,安琪尔……啊,我会高高兴兴地等着你的呀!)
'How much longer is he to bide here?(“他在这儿还要住多久呢?”)
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