英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:59:36


英 [b'laɪtɪd]

美 [b'laɪtɪd]



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1. affected by blight
anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity

e.g. a blighted rose
blighted urban districts

Synonym: spoilt


1. 毁灭的:blighted kernel || 得疫病的籽粒 | blighted || 毁灭的 | blighter || 讨厌的家伙, 可厌的家伙, 笨蛋

2. 毀壞,荒蕪;衰退:grassroots 一般民眾的 | blighted毀壞,荒蕪;衰退 | centerpiece放在餐桌中央的擺飾

3. 破壞,摧殘:centerpiece放在餐桌中央的擺飾;在正中央的東西 | blighted破壞,摧殘 | grassroots基本的,根本的

4. 秕:transforming轉化 | blighted秕 | residences住宅

Concerns over security, incomplete accommodation and filthy water in Ganabara Bay have blighted the run up to Rio 2016.(令人担忧的安保、不完备的接待和瓜纳·巴拉湾肮脏的水域都给即将到来的2016里约奥运蒙上阴影。)
Northern creditors recoiled as they increasingly doubted the ability of the blighted economies to repay the debts they had amassed.(北方的债权人越来越怀疑受到冲击的经济体能否偿还已积累下来的债务,不愿借钱。)
An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground.(他的事业还未起步,就差点因一次难堪的失误断送了。)
Are hopes being destroyed, small businesses being driven into bankruptcy, lives being blighted?(希望正在破灭、小型企业正被迫破产以及生活正饱受艰辛吗?)
Difficult because your record has been blighted; easy because if you have achieved triumphs before, you know how it's done.(困难是因为你的履历上有了污点;容易是因为如果你以前成功过,你就知道如何才能成功。)
Her life was blighted by ill health.(她的一生被疾病所摧残。)
'Over the past few months I have met many whose lives were blighted, and heard their personal stories,' she said.(她说‘在过去的数月里,我会见了不少受到摧残的人士,也聆听了他们令人心酸的故事。’)
A survey by the environment ministry shows that fewer places are blighted by tags than ever.(环境部的调查显示,比起以前,受到标语破坏的地方越来越少。)
But it was thrice blighted. After the earthquake and tsunami, fuel from the fishing boats caught fire, and for four days the port burned.(其实该市遭受了三重打击,地震和海啸过后,渔船漏油引发了大火在这个港口整整燃烧了四天。)
But in blighted cities, he says, they have an extra reason to stay: if they move out, they will not be able to afford a house elsewhere.(而在那些衰败的城市里(译注:类似底特律),他说,他们则有另一个留下来的理由,他们买不起别处的房子。)
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