英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:21:25


英 [ˈbləʊtɪd]

美 [ˈbloʊtɪd]


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  • 膨胀的;肿胀的,发胀的,肿起的
  • 傲慢的,趾高气昂的,得意忘形的
  • 熏制的
  • 臃肿的
  • 饮食过度的,胃胀的
  • 病态发胖的,浮肿的
  • 喝醉的
  • 过高的
  • 被水浸胀了的

1. (身体或身体某部位)肿胀的,膨胀的,发胀的
If someone's body or a part of their body is bloated, it is much larger than normal, usually because it has a lot of liquid or gas inside it.

e.g. ...the bloated body of a dead bullock...
e.g. His face was bloated.

2. 吃撑了的;肚子胀的
If you feel bloated after eating a large meal, you feel very full and uncomfortable.

e.g. Diners do not want to leave the table feeling bloated.

3. (机构)臃肿的,人浮于事的
If you describe an organization as bloated, you mean that it is larger and less efficient than it should be.

e.g. ...its massive state apparatus and bloated bureaucracy.

1. bloated

1. 胃 氣 脹:Black Out 短 暂 昏 厥 | Bloated 胃 气 胀 | Blood Stool 粪 便 带 血

2. 发胀的:bloat 肿胀的 | bloated 发胀的 | bloater 腌熏鲱鱼

3. 获得一个:BLOATED 获得一个Afro | SWEATY 大嘴模式 | IDKFA 好笑的画面

4. bloated的翻译

4. 过于肥胖的:有害健康的 be physically damaging | 过于肥胖的 bloated | 致癌的 cancer-causing

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The words we use to describe the resulting code are evocative: clunky, bloated, smelly.(我们用于描述结果代码的词汇唤起了我们的回忆:笨拙、臃肿、刺鼻。)
They have kept to the bloated budget and might even hand something back to the Treasury.(他们已经控制住了膨胀的预算,并且似乎甚至可以返还一部分给国库。)
Bloated builds delay rapid feedback.(膨胀的构建导致反馈延迟。)
It is bloated and its officer core is indulged, having been fattened on Mubarak’s patronage.(它机构冗杂,军官要员放任自满,靠穆巴拉克的资助供养已经脑满肠肥。)
In this installment, I talk about how XML-based Web services applications get bloated.(在这一部分中,我将讨论基于XML的Web服务应用程序是如何变得过于庞大的。)
"Perhaps—perhaps I am bloated and feverish," said Colin, assuming a discouraging air of gloom.(“也许——也许我是虚胖,有点发烧。”柯林说,装出一副沮丧、忧郁的样子。)
This will make your EAR file unnecessarily bloated.(这将使您的EAR文件产生不必要的膨胀。)
Rapidly growing or bloated code leads to spiraling maintenance costs.(快速的增长或者膨胀的代码导致了维护成本的急剧上升。)
But this much is: The current health care system is hard-wired to be bloated and inefficient.(但有一点是:现行的医疗制度桎梏缠身-臃肿且效率低下。)
Ireland's huge share is bloated by lending to non-Irish Banks located in Dublin.(爱尔兰由于向位于都柏林的非爱尔兰银行提供贷款从而导致自身数额激增。)
bloated是什么意思 bloated在线翻译 bloated什么意思 bloated的意思 bloated的翻译 bloated的解释 bloated的发音 bloated的同义词