英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:00:14



英 [blɒˈkeɪd]

美 [blɑ:ˈkeɪd]



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名词: blockader 过去式: blockaded 过去分词: blockaded 现在分词: blockading 第三人称单数: blockades

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  • 障碍物
  • 阻碍物
  • 道路阻塞
  • 屏障
  • 堵塞
  • 实施封锁的武力
  • 封锁线
  • 抵抗
  • 包围
  • 阻塞
  • 封锁行动
  • 实行封锁的部队
  • 战略屏障
  • 阻塞
  • 封锁
  • 堵塞
  • 妨碍
  • 阻止
  • 严密封锁
  • 使…失去
  • 阻碍
  • 封闭
  • 包围
  • 实行封锁
  • 挡住


1. a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy

Synonym: encirclement

2. prevents access or progress



1. impose a blockade on

Synonym: seal off

2. obstruct access to

Synonym: block off

3. render unsuitable for passage

e.g. block the way
barricade the streets
stop the busy road

Synonym: barricadeblockstopblock offblock upbar

4. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

e.g. His brother blocked him at every turn

Synonym: obstructblockhinderstymiestymyembarrass

1. 封锁;阻塞
A blockade of a place is an action that is taken to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving it.

e.g. Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads...
e.g. It's not yet clear who will actually enforce the blockade.

2. 阻塞;封锁
If a group of people blockade a place, they stop goods or people from reaching that place. If they blockade a road or a port, they stop people using that road or port.


e.g. Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations...
e.g. About 50,000 people are trapped in the town, which has been blockaded for more than 40 days.


1. 阻断:MISSION 04 阻断 (BLOCKADE)这关最好先去打ECM机(E-767),打完之后若时间充足的话,可先打护航机,或去直接去打主要目标C-17便可. 当ECM机未击落前,雷达状况会因电子干扰完全不可见.但可由电波发射的方位判断ECM机的位置.一般来说ECM机都位于高空.


2. 阻滞:block anesthesia 神经传导阻滞 | blockade 阻滞 | blockage 阻滞

3. 封锁实施封锁的部队堵塞阻断:Blockade 封锁 | blockade 封锁;实施封锁的部队;堵塞;阻断 | blockade 封锁实施封锁的部队堵塞阻断

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The Turks presented this as a result of Israel's refusal to apologize for the armed seizure of the Gaza-blockade-running Turkish flotilla last year.(土耳其以此来报复以色列拒绝为去年扣押土耳其在加沙地带的巡逻队道歉。)
The streamer has been captured in running the blockade.(轮船在偷越封锁线时被截获。)
There's been talk of a retaliatory blockade to prevent supplies from getting through.(有人在谈论实施报复性封锁,以阻止供应物资通过。)
The river formed a natural blockade to the spread of the forest fire .(那条河成了阻止森林大火蔓延的天然屏障。)
Hamas demands a lifting of Israel's economic blockade.(哈马斯则要求解除以色列的经济封锁。)
SCARLETT: it's a little like blockade running, isn't it? RHETT: it's.(思嘉:这有点象作突破防线,是吗?)
The ship was captured in running the blockade.(该船在偷越封锁线时被截获。)
Lock and/or blockade the door. Silence your cell phone. Hide behind large objects. Remain very quiet.(锁上门并用东西挡住。将手机调至静音。藏在尺寸较大的物体后面。保持安静。%。)
Stellate ganglion blockade (SGB) is a common technique in clinical nerve block, which is widely used in pain therapy.(星状神经节阻滞(SGB)是一种较常用的神经阻滞技术,在国内外的疼痛治疗中被广泛应用。)
In people who produce more frequent spindles, there's a better chance that a noise will encounter this sensory blockade.(对于频繁形成纺锤波的人来说,应有更多机会从感官上阻挡噪声进入。)
blockade是什么意思 blockade在线翻译 blockade什么意思 blockade的意思 blockade的翻译 blockade的解释 blockade的发音 blockade的同义词