英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dɪˈtɜ:(r)]

美 [dɪˈtə:]


形容词: deterrable 名词: determent 过去式: deterred 过去分词: deterred 现在分词: deterring 第三人称单数: deters

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  • 使断念
  • 威慑住
  • 吓住
  • 防止
  • 使踌躇
  • 使不敢
  • 吓唬
  • 吓倒
  • 阻碍
  • 阻挡
  • 妨碍
  • 阻妨
  • 难住
  • 阻力
  • 使…踌躇不前
  • 就此罢休
  • 制止
  • 威慑
  • 阻止
  • 阻拦
  • 抑制
  • 威吓


1. turn away from by persuasion

e.g. Negative campaigning will only dissuade people

Synonym: dissuade

2. try to prevent
show opposition to

e.g. We should discourage this practice among our youth

Synonym: discourage

1. 威慑住;吓住;阻止;制止
To deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue doing it.

e.g. Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns...
e.g. Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters...

1. deter

1. 阻止:高利息并没有阻止(deter)低收入消费者继续贷款购物. 工资日高利贷可提供高利率贷款,还款的日期是下次发工资的日子. 工资日高利贷服务上个世纪90年代初仅有300家,如今已经超过了25000家. 精明的金融投资家更是把工资日贷款和典当行结合起来形成连锁店铺.

2. 防止:detect 发现 | deter 防止 | detract 减损,责难

3. 制止; 使断念头:semiarid: 半干旱的 | deter: 制止; 使断念头 | subsidy:补助金;津贴


4. 制止/害怕:frowsy 肮脏的 | deter 制止/害怕 | defer 延期,顺从 尊敬

  • 经典引文

  • I wanted to join in the laughter but Father's face deterred me.

    出自:J. L. Waten
  • No threat would deter them from producing it and delivering it free of charge.

    出自:S. Naipaul
These examples are meant to caution you, not to deter you.(这些例子是要你警醒,而非阻拦你。)
The wild weather did not deter some people from taking an unseasonable dip in the sea.(狂风暴雨的天气并没有使一些不合时宜地到海里游泳的人却步。)
Should this deter you?(可是这能阻止你么?)
Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.(死刑的支持者辩称,死刑可以阻止罪犯携带枪支。)
It would also deter theft of mobile devices.(这也会抑制移动设备的盗窃活动。)
It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.(是时候摆脱那些传统力量无法阻止的旧观念了。)
Age and family commitments don't deter them.(年龄和家庭的负担都不能束缚他们。)
Can anything deter Iran from its nuclear ambitions?(何事能阻止伊朗核计划野心?)
No amount of foul weather, whether hail, wind, rain or snow, seems to deter them.(不管天气有多恶劣,哪怕是冰雹、大风、雨还是雪,似乎都阻止不了他们。)
To deter, a punishment must be swift, certain and severe.(为了起到吓止作用,必须迅速、肯定、严厉的作出惩罚。)
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