英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:00:53


英 [ˈblu:mɪŋ]

美 [ˈblumɪŋ]



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1. the organic process of bearing flowers

e.g. you will stop all bloom if you let the flowers go to seed

Synonym: bloom

1. (尤用于生气时表示强调)太,很,真是
Blooming is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are annoyed.


e.g. It's a blooming nuisance because it frightens my dog to death.

2. 容光焕发的;神采奕奕的;精力旺盛的
Someone who is blooming looks attractively healthy and full of energy.

e.g. If they were blooming with confidence they wouldn't need me...
e.g. She's in blooming health.

1. 起霜:底漆和底材中的颜料容易渗色的颜料在涂层表面析出的现象称之为起霜(blooming)产生的原因主要是因为橡胶底材表面的着色物质或底涂层中的着色颜料被面漆的溶剂溶解并迁移至面漆中导致渗...密封橡胶型材一般都是用黑色橡胶制造的,

2. 模糊现象:不过,区域调光技术不是没有缺点的,它的缺点称为模糊现象(blooming),当比较亮的区域要转为较暗区域的画面时,会减轻邻近区域的灰阶层次. 这在不同机种上都会出现,但程度不一,举例来说,在东芝(Toshiba)的46SV670U上可能会比叫容易看到,

3. 初轧:翻边(fIanging)翻边的类型 按变形的性质,翻边可分为伸长型翻边和压缩型翻边. 伸长型翻边包括:孔的翻边(图a). 沿不封闭内凹曲线进行的平面翻边(图b)和在曲面坯料..初轧(blooming)运锭车将钢锭运往初轧机

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Flowers are blooming and birds are singing all around me!(在我身边,花儿盛开着,鸟儿歌唱着。)
With the arrival of warm and pleasant weather, flowers are blooming in the warm air.(随着温暖宜人天气的到来,鲜花在温暖的空气中盛开。)
Flowers are blooming in a riot of colour.(百花盛开,万紫千红。)
And they're blooming with flowers now.(而且他们现在开花了。)
A land far away where all is blooming.(远处有一个鲜花盛开的地方。)
Quantities of flowers were blooming everywhere, filling the air with perfume.(遍地鲜花盛开,空气中弥漫着芬芳。)
A traveler saw many flowers blooming prosperously and picked all the way as he walked.(一个旅人在路旁看到许多盛开的鲜花,他一边走一边采。)
Parks and gardens with early blooming flowers and trees.(花和树开花比较早的公园和花园。)
The glacier lily's blooming period lasts about four weeks, typically from May to June.(冰川百合的开花期持续大约4个星期,通常从5月至6月。)
I guess I don't need to ask, for no Alpine rose can look more blooming.(我想我不需要问,因为没有哪朵高山牧场的玫瑰开得更艳了。)
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