英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:02:02
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1. a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane

Synonym: boarding card

1. 登机牌:出关的时间很漫长,如果赶不上的话航空公司一般会安排下一班飞机. 出关出来可以做小火车去下一个航站楼,登机牌(boarding pass)上会写明你下一个班机的航站楼的. 航站楼地图可以参见这个网址:

2. 登记牌:4/23 下穿梭巴士后直接去机场快线(airport express)办登记牌(boarding pass)顺便把除照相机以外的一切东东都托运掉. 坐地铁去铜锣湾吃早饭,在茶餐厅里吃了一碗馄饨面,面里很惺,不过馄饨就很好吃了,吃说后到铜锣湾花园和维多利亚公园逛逛.

3. 登机证:计画范围:行李条码(Baggage Tag)、行李追踪(Baggage Track)、登机证(Boarding Pass)、工作人员通行(Employee Pass) 香港机场行李处理与保安系统导入RFID技术后的作业流程如图七所示,简要说明如下: 离境旅客至报到柜台将非随身行李托运.

4. 登机卡:就在这个时候,机场人员会发给你登机卡(boarding pass),并给你安排一个座位,他(或她)会告诉你从几号门登机,你乘坐的飞机将从那个地方起飞. 你必须保证,自己比飞机起飞时间早半个钟点到达登机处. 在你离境之前,或者在你中途转机的机场,

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Islands visitors through the online sales window duty-free shopping, with identity CARDS and boarding pass at the airport quarantine zone delivery and delivery of Islands.(离岛旅客可通过网上销售窗口进行免税购物,凭身份证件和登机牌在机场隔离区提货点提货并携带离岛。)
Here are my ticket and boarding pass. I couldn't find my check-in baggage. Could you help me please?(这是我的机票和登记牌,我没有找到我的托运行李,请问您能帮我吗?)
But the steward goes about his job to check your boarding pass as if there was nothing odd with this picture.(但是管理员尽他的职责来检查你的护照就像这幅画面里没有什么奇怪的地方。)
May I see your boarding pass?(能看一下您的登记牌吗?)
When it came to online travellers, maps and flight alerts were the most desired mobile activity according to the report with 29% of travellers interested in using their mobile as a boarding pass.(对于在线用户来说,地图和航班信息提示功能是最受欢迎的手机服务,研究还同时显示,29%的旅游者对手机用作登机牌感兴趣。)
When in a situation where you have to pass food or condiments to others at the table, pass it to your right, or counter clockwise. Never do a "boarding house reach" across the table.(当你要把食物或配料传给餐桌上其他人时,从右边或左边传过去,不要越过餐桌传过去。)
Would you mind taking me to the window to register my luggage (and change my boarding pass)?(您能否带我到托运行李的窗口?)
Where did I put my boarding pass?(我的登记证放在那里了?)
Here you are. A: Here's your boarding pass and your passport.(你告诉她你有一个旅行箱和一个手提箱,并把护照出示给她。)
Passport and Boarding Pass, please.(请出示护照和登机牌。)
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