英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [bʌdʒ]

美 [bʌdʒ]

v. 移动; 妥协

n. 羔皮

adj. 浮夸的; 庄严的

过去式: budged 过去分词: budged 现在分词: budging 第三人称单数: budges

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  • (使)让步
  • 推动
  • 微微移动
  • 改变意见
  • (使)改变主意
  • 微微一动
  • 动摇
  • 作出让步
  • 挪动
  • 轻微移动
  • 改变观点
  • 让开
  • 挪开
  • 稍微移动
  • 服从
  • 屈服
  • 移动
  • 妥协
  • 羔羊皮
  • 羔皮
  • 革囊
  • 庄严的
  • 用羔羊皮装饰的
  • 自负的
  • 浮夸的



1. move very slightly

e.g. He shifted in his seat

Synonym: stirshiftagitate

1. (使)改变主意;(使)让步
If someone will not budge on a matter, or if nothing budges them, they refuse to change their mind or to come to an agreement.


e.g. Both sides say they will not budge...
e.g. The Americans are adamant that they will not budge on this point...

2. (使)移动;挪动
If someone or something will not budge, they will not move. If you cannot budge them, you cannot make them move.

e.g. Her mother refused to budge from London...
e.g. The window refused to budge...


1. 预算:[摘要]目前应用于网格的一些调度算法过于简单,不能满足对QoS的多样化需求,比如DBC(deadline and budget constrained)调度算法只支持两维的QoS需求,即截止期限(deadline)和预算(budge).

2. budge

2. 使稍微移动,改变:12. Capitol Hill 美国国会 | 13. budge 使稍微移动,改变 | 14. lucrative 有利可图的,赚钱的

3. budge的解释

3. 移动:buddy-buddy 非常亲密的 | budge 移动 | budgerigar 相思鹦鹉

4. 改变立场和态度(移动,转变):avid 热切的 | budge 改变立场和态度(移动,转变), | budget 预算,

  • 经典引文

  • We'll have to budge, mates.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • The old car stuck fast in a rut, wouldn't budge an inch.

    出自:A. Carter
  • I've argued with him about this, but he won't budge.

    出自:S. Brett
The dog refused to budge.(狗不肯动弹。)
But he has repeatedly said that he will not budge on the retirement age itself.(但他重申他不会就退休年龄本身作出让步。)
Tyler was ready to compromise on the banking question, but Clay would not budge.(泰勒打算以折中方式解决银行问题,但克雷丝毫不予让步。)
Her mother refused to budge from Omaha.(她母亲拒绝离开奥马哈。)
Mr.Hu would not budge.(但胡先生不愿退步。)
Morrow wouldn't budge and repeatedly told me that the column wouldn't post.(莫洛不肯让步,不停地对我说,这篇文章不能发表。)
The platform extender wouldn't budge.(站台的扩展器没有移动。)
The window refused to budge.(窗子怎么也动不了。)
She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge.(她推了推门,门却一动不动。)
We tried to negotiate a lower price but they wouldn't budge an inch.(我们试图把价还低一些,但他们寸步不让。)
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