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更新时间:2025-03-17 08:21:08
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body count

1. Ting had admitted to one count of preventing the lawful burial of the body and was sentenced to four years concurrently.

2. The body count in Louisiana alone was put at nearly 800, with most of the corpses found in the receding floodwaters of New Orleans.

3. The AP reviewed the Iraq Body Count analysis and confirmed its conclusions by sifting the data and consulting experts.

4. The body count in Louisiana alone was put at nearly 800, most found in the receding floodwaters of New Orleans.

5. Count sponges to make sure you didn't leave any inside the body.


1. In Baghdad, the macabre body count continues to rise.


2. Lord say: go there definitely will be on your mind the idea of evil conspiracy count, 22 I will punish him with plague and bloodshed; I will bring heavy rain, large hail, fire and sulfur down when he and his army, as well as his together many of the national body.
主耶和华这样说:到那日你心中必起意念,图谋恶计,22 我必用瘟疫和血腥惩罚他;我必把暴雨、大冰雹、火和硫磺降在他和他的军队,以及与他在一起的许多民族身上。

3. body count的反义词

3. The result indicated that pigs vaccinated with 10 μg or above of rE2 can induce effective antibody titer against CSFV. Furthermore, lower vaccination trials (10 μg and 20 μg of rE2 immunized group) were challenged with virulent CSFV in order to evaluate the vaccine efficacy according to clinical score, body temperature, weight increasing rate, white blood cell count, serological analysis, RT-PCR, gross lesion and histopathological examination.
经选择低剂量组(10 μg和20 μg rE2)之免疫组猪只以猪瘟病毒进行攻毒试验,并以其临床症状、体温、增重率、白血球总数、血清学、RT-PCR、肉眼病变和组织病理学等项目进行评估与分析,其结果显示免疫20 μg E2重组疫苗组於攻毒后均存活,且无呈现明显猪瘟之临床症状。

4. body count什么意思

4. War Buddies Let's be war buddies Waist deep in big money side by side I'd be the atheist in your foxhole, anytime Let's be friendly fire Body count's a mountain on a bed of barbed wire, coldly stashed As soon as the morning light has broken, then we attack If nobody tries too hard to kill you I got your back across the desert Back to brave the burning sand Back to question every effort Back to challenge your command If you got guns, well, now's the time for sticking Resistance is already forming The second shot won't be a warning Let's be collateral damage Looking down your nose like it's the best you can manage just to stand Indignity after indignation The threat of a hostile occupation The better to form a sovereign nation Here's the plan: That every man who disagrees Be roughly brought down to his knees Be starved to death and made to freeze And sentenced to the Gulag If you got guns, well, now's the time for sticking Resistance is already forming The second shot won't be a warning When the tanks roll into Warsaw, will I find you at the front Singing into a tape recorder, shouldering the brunt of the attack? Has it come to that?
战争巴迪让我们成为战争伙计在大的钱的深处肩并肩的腰我将是在你的战壕的无神论者,任何时候让我们成为友好的火在一张有刺铁丝的床上,死亡总人数是一座山,冷淡贮存早上光一打破,然后我们攻击如果没人试试太艰难不能杀死你我使你的背通过沙漠回到勇敢的烧制沙回到询问每努力回到挑战你命令如果你得到枪,嗯,现在是粘住的时间抵抗已经形成第2 枪将不是警告让我们成为附带损害看起来沿着你的鼻子象它是最好的你能应付仅仅为了站在义愤之后轻蔑一种敌对的职业的威胁更好的形成一个独立自主的国家这是计划:不同意的那每个人人被粗略带来到他的膝被饥饿死并且对冻结做并且对Gulag 宣判如果你得到枪,嗯,现在是粘住的时间抵抗已经形成第2 枪将不是警告当油箱卷成华沙,意愿时,我在前面发现你唱歌进一台磁带录音机,扛着攻击的冲击吗?

5. body count

5. The parameters including blood routine examination, liver and kedney function, reticulocyte and Heinz body count, the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), the antioxidant system of erythrocyte, the fluidity of erythrocyte membrane, erythrocyte deformability were measured pre-feed onion and on day 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 18, 24 post-feed onion.


6. During the early stage of the course, the count of CD4, CD8, and CD3 of the SARS patients may reduce obviously which means that the immunity was suppressed. And large dosage of glucocorticoid may aggravate the suppression, make the body in an active metabolic state (such as the increase of blood glucose, the decrease of sera albumine). It may aggravate the illness much more, and patients were liable to suffer from severe secondary infection. So the indication of how to use the glucocorticoid is very important, we must control it strictly and do not use it in large dosage.

7. body count是什么意思

7. Objective To investigate the correlation between the peak body temperature, SIRS score and Febric Duration, indexes that reflect illness state of Acute Pyelonephritis patients; and their correlation with commonly used laboratory parameters of white blood cell count, neutrophil percentage and Creactive protein, and discuss their clinical significance.
目的:分析急性肾盂肾炎(Acute Pyelonephritis,AP)反映病情的指标峰值体温、SIRS评分和热程(Febric Duration,FD之间,及其与常用实验室指标血白细胞计数、中性粒细胞百分率、C反应蛋白之间的相关性,并探讨其临床意义。

8. body count的翻译

8. Objective To investigate the correlation between the peak body temperature, SIRS score and Febric Duration, indexes that reflect illness state of Acute Pyelonephritis patients; and their correlation with commonly used laboratory parameters of white blood cell count, neutrophil percentageand C-reactive protein, and discuss their clinical significance.
目的:分析急性肾盂肾炎(Acute Pyelonephritis,AP)反映病情的指标峰值体温、SIRS评分和热程(Febric Duration,FD)之间,及其与常用实验室指标血白细胞计数、中性粒细胞百分率、C-反应蛋白之间的相关性,并探讨其临床意义。

9. body count的翻译

9. If the human body to adapt to climate by regulating body temperature conditions change, through the red blood cell count and hemoglobin content increased to adapt to high mountain hypoxia environment.


10. How enhances the university students healthy military training the understanding degree, cause main body function further deep person which the studend studies, this to student`s life-long participation body exercise is count for much.

11. Modified staining methods were used to observe the nematode-carrying bacteria by light microscopy. Large number of bacteria were discovered presenting on the body surface of nematodes and in the environments in which the nematodes are living; The total living bacteria were enumerated by plate count techniques, it averaged 170-280 bacteria per nematode.

12. Methods:A rabbit model was developed with scald complicated with artificial infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Studies were carried out by using the combat trauma spray group and the solution group. At day1, 2, 4, 7, 14, post experiments, rabbit serum was collected, the body temperatures of animals were taken, and such inflammatory factors as white cell count, serum levels of NO 2-/NO 3-, serum levels of tumor necrosis factor, serum superoxide anion, as well as GPT, AKP, aspartate carbamyl transferase, urea nitrogen were also collected to measure the functions of both the kidney and liver.
采用烫伤合并人工感染绿脓杆菌的家兔模型,用战伤喷剂与溶剂组于实验前和实验后第1、2、4、7、14天采集家兔血清,测量体温,检测白细胞数、血清NO 2-/NO 3-水平、血清肿瘤坏死因子水平、血清超氧阴离子等炎性因子水平以及谷丙转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、天冬氨酸转移酶、肌苷和尿素氮等肝肾功能指标水平。

13. The mean maximum body temperature was 37.3 °C, the mean white blood cell count was 9733/mm3, and the mean C-reactie protein leel was 5.0 mg/dl.

14. body count

14. Results: Perforation was experienced at 27 lesions in 27 patients (four in the esophagus, fourteen in the stomach, seen in the colon, and two in the rectum). Fibrosis under the lesions was confirmed histologically in seen patients (26%). Immediate closure using endoclips was performed in all patients except for three asymptomatic patients in whom a stomach perforation was first noticed when free air was noticed on a radiograph the morning after the ESD procedure. Air accumulation was detected radiographically in 21 patients (78%). The mean duration of antibiotic treatment was 6.7 days and the patients were fasted for a mean period of 5.3 days. The mean maximum body temperature was 37.3 °C, the mean white blood cell count was 9733/mm3, and the mean C-reactie protein leel was 5.0 mg/dl.
结果共27例患者发生了穿孔(4例食道,14例胃,7例结肠,2例直肠),其中7例患者(26%)病灶下层经组织学检查证实存在纤维化;除了3例患者症状不典型之外(其中一例胃穿孔在ESD术后的第2天早晨由于X线片显示了游离气体后才被发现),所有患者穿孔后都立即进行了内镜下内镜夹夹闭治疗;共21例患者(78%)X线片上发现了游离气体;所有患者使用抗生素的平均疗程为6.7天,禁食的平均时程为5.3天;最高体温的平均值为37.3 °C,白细胞记数的平均值为9733/mm3,C反应性蛋白平均浓度为 5.0 mg/dl。

15. The coming and going of my sincerity as my body went up and down was making me lose count.

16. In consultation with a select panel, I have come up with the following (and nobody mentioned body image, unless you count eating too much and feeling like you`ve swallowed a football, having legs that are at the dangerously bristly stage or having wax stuck in peculiar places).


17. Results The choroid plexus, hypophysis, area postrema and pineal body, namely, circumventricular organs and ependyma as well as pia mater layers were stained by the HRP reaction products. The HRP reaction products were observed in the tissue space of membrane mucosa nasi, around the fila olfactoria and venules, and within the venules under the light microscopy and electron microscopy, also. Scintillation count showed that the radioactivity of the CVOs was higher than that of the background. The radioautography showed that the scattered grains of silver existed within the cells of neurocyte layer also.
结果 在脑室周围器官及脑室周围室管膜、软脑膜层有HRP反应产物的聚集,在鼻中隔的鼻粘膜下组织间隙、嗅丝周围间隙及静脉周围和管腔内也可见到HRP反应产物;液闪计数显示,大白鼠的脉络丛、脑垂体、最后区、松果体等脑室周围器官放射性活度明显高于本底;放射自显影显示大白鼠脑组织神经层细胞内有散在分布的银颗粒。

18. But I also know that by not adding my body to the count, I insure nothing will change.

19. That movie's huge body count is all that's responsible for its success.

20. Now that you've been in nearly 100 movies, what's your total body count?

The ministry runs the high-speed rail line that suffered a crash on July 23rd that killed dozens, if not hundreds, of passengers (the body count is still unclear).(铁道部治下的高速铁路正被七月二十三号的列车相撞事故推到风口浪尖。如果没有上百名人的遇难,那么伤亡乘客人数就是数十人(死亡人数至今仍然不确定)。)
I'm also the Student Body Vice President for Finance, and even though none of you first years voted for me, I hope that I can count on your support in the upcoming year.(虽然去年选举时你们作为今年新入学的同学谁都没有投票给我,但我希望在新的一年里可以得到你们的支持。)
Yet Iraq Body Count monitors identified more than 1, 200 civilians who died during the fighting.(但其实伊拉克尸体清点处证实了有超过1,200名平民在战斗期间丧生。)
Mr Cook cautions that the body count would have to rise very sharply indeed to affect the mid-term congressional elections next year.(Cook先生提醒道:死亡人数必须迅速上升才会影响到明年中期的议会选举。)
According to the paper’s own “executionometer”, a daily body count of victims of organised crime, violence is falling in some of the most dangerous states.(根据此日报自己的“死亡计算器”------计算每日组织性犯罪受害者死亡人数,在一些治安较差的州,犯罪数量有所下降。)
As the body count rises, the group must put their differences aside and fight for survival.(随着尸体数量的增加,该集团必须把他们的分歧放在一边,为生存而战。)
The leak does, however, provide another source of data on civilian casualties in Iraq (until now, most newspapers have relied on Iraq Body Count which tends to give higher numbers).(然而,泄密的东西确实提供了另外一种有关伊拉克平民伤亡人数的数据来源(此前,大多数报纸依赖的数据都是伊拉克死亡调查组织提供的,该组织倾向于提供较高的数字)。)
Don't count on your clothes to keep the sun's radiation off your body.(不要期待你的衣服能够让你的皮肤逃脱太阳光的辐射。)
He took a quick body count. Eleven down in the formation approaching his position.(他迅速清点尸体。十一只倒在他这个方向的编队里。)
No container element groups any headers with the content for which they serve as titles, unless you count the body element that wraps the h1 header and the rest of the Web page's displayable content.(容器元素不会把任何作为标题的题头与其内容组合在一起,除非让body元素把h1header题头与Web页面其余可显示的内容封装在一起。)
body count是什么意思 body count在线翻译 body count什么意思 body count的意思 body count的翻译 body count的解释 body count的发音 body count的同义词