英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:02:55
  • 英英释义

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1. with boldness, in a bold manner

e.g. we must tackle these tasks boldly

1. boldly的意思

1. 大胆的,显露的:67. agitated 激动的,不安的 | 68. boldly 大胆的,显露的 | 69. eminent 杰出的,显赫的

2. 大胆地:boldhearted 大胆的 | boldly 大胆地 | boldness 大胆

3. boldly的反义词

3. 勇敢地:therefore=因此; | boldly=勇敢地; | face=面对;

4. 大胆地, 显眼地:boldhearted || 大胆的, 勇敢的 | boldly || 大胆地, 显眼地 | boldness || 大胆, 冒失, 勇敢

The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period.(司法官大胆地宣布,汉斯国王的时代是最高贵、最幸福的时代。)
We should boldly give them work and promote them and not be overcautious.(我们要放手地任用和提拔他们,不要畏首畏尾。)
We have the freedom to boldly live, laugh, and love.(大胆地区去生活,去笑,去爱,这都是我们的自由。)
In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it.(作为对她不会完成赛程的推测的回应,她大胆地宣布了她获胜的意图。)
"They won't break the record," Loughery said boldly.(“他们不会打破这个记录,”Loughery大胆的说。)
He walked boldly in the dark forest.(他大胆地在黑暗的森林里行走。)
We must make the experiment boldly and must not "fear wolves ahead and tigers behind".(要大胆试验,不要前怕狼,后怕虎。)
He boldly championed women's rights.(他大胆支持女权。)
"Don't talk nonsense," said Alice more boldly, "you know you're growing too."(“别胡说了,”爱丽丝大胆地说,“你自己也在长呀。”)
"You should do it," the girl said, boldly.(这个女孩大胆地说道:“你应该这么做。”)
boldly是什么意思 boldly在线翻译 boldly什么意思 boldly的意思 boldly的翻译 boldly的解释 boldly的发音 boldly的同义词