英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:25:12



英 [bɒmˈbɑ:d]

美 [bɑ:mˈbɑ:rd]



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名词: bombarder 过去式: bombarded 过去分词: bombarded 现在分词: bombarding 第三人称单数: bombards

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  • 不断攻击
  • 【核】以高能量粒子或放射能冲击
  • 轰炸
  • 痛斥
  • 炮击
  • 【原子能】轰击
  • 对…进行粒子辐射
  • 痛骂
  • 攻击
  • 质问
  • 冲击
  • 打击
  • 拍发
  • 一下子抛给
  • 向…连续提出问题
  • 大量提问
  • 大肆抨击
  • 连珠炮般地提问
  • 不断攻击连续质问
  • 射石炮(古代的臼炮)



1. a large shawm
the bass member of the shawm family

Synonym: bombardon


1. direct high energy particles or radiation against

2. address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage

e.g. The speaker was barraged by an angry audience
The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer

Synonym: barrage

3. throw bombs at or attack with bombs

e.g. The Americans bombed Dresden

Synonym: bomb

4. cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile

e.g. They pelted each other with snowballs

Synonym: pelt

1. 连珠炮似的质问(或批评);使大量面对
If you bombard someone with something, you make them face a great deal of it. For example, if you bombard them with questions or criticism, you keep asking them a lot of questions or you keep criticizing them.


e.g. He bombarded Catherine with questions to which he should have known the answers...
e.g. The media bombards all of us with images of violence and drugs and sex...

2. (用炮火或炸弹)猛烈轰击(或攻击)
When soldiers bombard a place, they attack it with continuous heavy gunfire or bombs.

e.g. Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport...
e.g. The town has been heavily bombarded by the army backed by the airforce.

1. 轰炸,炮击:bluff diplomacy 恫吓外交 | bombard 轰炸,炮击 | boom (经济)繁荣,兴旺

2. 炮击:武装挑衅 military provocation | 炮击 bombard | 防区 defense area; garrison area

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The turks will get a monster bombard modelled on the one they used in the siege of constantinople .(土耳其将会得到妖怪射石炮,原型就是围攻君士坦丁堡的重型大炮。)
But PEACOCK lets them bombard a tumor more precisely, and with higher doses of radiation.(但是“孔雀”使医生能更精确地炸掉肿瘤,而且使放射剂量加强。)
He agreed on condition that I bombard the enemy house.(他同意了,条件是我去轰炸敌人的房子。)
They bombard you with chemicals and still proclaim that it is for your good.(他们用化学武器轰炸你们,却在声明这是为了你们的健康。)
The media bombard people with advertisements.(媒体中充满了各样动人心弦的广告。)
Advertisements and social cues bombard consumers to eat.(广告和社会暗示鼓动消费者吃了又吃。)
It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand.(它携带着细小的沙粒,这些沙粒会轰击裸露的岩石表面,从而把岩石磨成更多的沙子。)
New scanning techniques will continue to evolve and bombard your network, probing for holes and weak spots in your security.(总结新扫描技术将持续进化并不断攻击贵网络,探测安全上的漏洞和弱点。)
ANNOUNCER: so as soon as we start to speak, we bombard a potential listener with information about ourselves.(播音员:因此只要我们一开口讲话,我们就开始向聆听者传递着关于我们自身的信息。)
The free neutrons can bombard other nuclei, leading to a series of fissions called a chain reaction.(自由中子可以轰击其它的核,导致一系列的裂变,称为链锁反应。)
bombard是什么意思 bombard在线翻译 bombard什么意思 bombard的意思 bombard的翻译 bombard的解释 bombard的发音 bombard的同义词