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更新时间:2025-03-03 08:29:38


英 [ˈbɔɪhʊd]

美 [ˈbɔɪhʊd]


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  • 少年时代,青少年时代,孩童期,少年期,男孩时代,童年,早期
  • 男孩(们),少年(们)


1. the childhood of a boy

1. (男子的)童年,少年时代
Boyhood is the period of a male person's life during which he is a boy.

e.g. He has been a Derby County supporter since boyhood.

1. 童年:库切的自传小说<>(Boyhood)主要描写父亲所遭受的屈辱,以及这些屈辱所造成的儿子心理上的分裂. 同时,这部小说还描写了南非老式乡村富于魔力的景象:在那里,布尔人与英国人、白人与黑人之间的冲突永无止境. 在续篇<>(Youth)中,

2. boyhood的意思

2. 少年:库切的第一本自传<>(Boyhood)由台湾的小知堂于2000年出版,时报出版公司将在今年底出版他的第二部回忆录<>. 天下文化表示,<>(即<>)是库切作品中销售成绩最好的一本,迄今销量已经突破1万2千多册.

3. 少年时代:boycott 联合抵制 | boyhood 少年时代 | Brace Scale of Motor Ability 布莱斯动觉能力量表

4. 少年期:少女期girlhood | 少年期boyhood | 幻想fancy; fantasy; phantasy; reverie

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.boyhood

Those who had done the most boyhood activities were twice as likely to have warm relations with a wide variety of people, five times as likely to be well paid and 16 times less likely to have been unemployed.

那些在童年时期参加过最多活动的人与各种各样的人保持良好关系的可能性是其他人的2倍, 获得高薪的可能性是其他人的5倍, 失业的可能性则是其他人的16倍。


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In my early boyhood I heard a snatch of a song.(在我童年时,我听到一支歌曲中的一个片段。)
I spent my boyhood climbing trees on Streatham Common South London.(我的童年是在伦敦南部的StreathamCommon度过的,小时候很喜欢爬树。)
Tell how his boyhood was one drear night-hour.(告诉你他童年是怎样阴沉的夜?)
Since boyhood, Shirase had dreamed of becoming a polar explorer like Amundsen, and he initially set his sights on the North Pole.(从孩提时代起,Shirase就梦想成为像阿蒙森一样的极地探险家,而他最初的目标是去北极。)
Though his father Henry never told him, Isaac's boyhood IQ was measured at 167-genius level.(虽然艾萨克的父亲亨利从未告诉过他的智商在孩提时就已经达到了——167,天才的水平。)
I were as im my boyhood, and could be.(假如我能像在少年时,凌风而舞。)
Here came to me in my boyhood a friend whose help in my literary progress was invaluable.(在我还是一个小男孩的时候,一位朋友在文学上给了我弥足珍贵的帮助。)
They were failing lamentably to help their sons grow from boyhood to manhood.(令人惋惜的是,他们没能帮助儿子们从少年长大成人。)
It woke up my dumb, ecstatic boyhood.(它唤醒了我沉默而充满狂喜的童年。)
Larry Walters' boyhood dream was not an unusual one: He wanted to fly.(拉里·沃尔特少年时期的梦想并不很平常:他想飞。)
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