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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:16:04
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1. He added that the last fatal attack in Sydney Harbour was in 1963, when a woman was killed by a bull shark in 1963.

2. A lemon shark was attacked and killed by a bull shark inside an aquarium tank they had shared for more than a decade.

1. The bull shark(Scientific name: Carcharhinus leucas)!


2. However, there are still two other sharks which are fierce. They are the tiger shark and the bull shark.

3. Bull shark numbers are higher, since they can often move between fresh- and saltwater environments.

4. Visit our Bull Shark Safety Guide to learn how to stay safe in salt and fresh water.


5. Bull shark could not only bear in fresh water, as a matter of fact, they need it.

6. Bull shark attacking event had happened in Ganges.

7. bull shark什么意思

7. The massive great white, the swift, sleek tiger, and the often-ignored, but dangerous, bull shark.

8. An alarming decline in the bull shark population there prompted the ban.

9. We all know about the size of dinosaurs, of course, but how about a rodent the size of a bull, a sea scorpion bigger than a man, a frog as large as a beach ball, a penguin the size of a small adult human, a 1, 000-pound ground-sloth-like marsupial, and a shark that may have grown longer than 50 feet and weighed up to 30 times more than the largest modern great white?

10. A Freshwater Nightmare: The bull shark is a river monster of nightmares — it is a sea creature that can tolerate fresh water, allowing it to travel far up rivers and close to contact with humans.

11. Some species of shark have been depleted by70 per cent and a few, such as smooth hammerhead, bull sharks and tiger sharks, by90 per cent or more.

12. At the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Boston yesterday, Baum said that in addition to the scalloped hammerhead, other shark species that will be added to the revised IUCN endangered list later this year are the smooth hammerhead, shortfin mako, common thresher, big-eye thresher, silky, tiger, bull and dusky.

The most aggressive type of shark is the bull shark.(最具攻击性的鲨鱼种类是牛鲨。)
While there are numerous types of sharks, only four are most frequently cited in encounters with humans—the bull shark, the tiger shark, the great white shark and the oceanic white tip shark.(鲨鱼的种类有很多,而经常被载攻击人的只有四种–牛鲨(学名白真鲨)、虎鲨(学名居氏鼬鲨)、大白鲨(学名噬人鲨)、白鳍鲨(学名灰三齿鲨))
During testing in Barcelona, red Bull introduced a striking 'shark fin' extension to the RB4's engine cover (red arrow).(从巴塞罗那测试,红牛便引入了一个醒目的“鲨鳍”翼延伸rb4的引擎盖(红箭头)。)
Mitchell and colleagues found antibiotic-resistant bacteria in seven species of shark—such as bull sharks, lemon sharks, and nurse sharks—as well as the redfish Sciaenops ocellata.(米歇尔和他的同事们在七种鲨鱼里找到了耐抗生素的细菌,这些鲨鱼包括:蓝鲨,柠檬鲨,护士鲨和红拟石首鱼。石首鱼生活在伯利兹、佛罗里达、路易斯安那和马萨诸塞的沿海水域。)
"The bull shark is known for its aggressiveness," Landry says.(“牛鲨因其极具攻击性而闻名,”兰德里说到。)
There are only three sharks that regularly attack humans. The massive great white, the swift, sleek tiger, and the often-ignored, but dangerous, bull shark.(只有三种鲨鱼会攻击人类。巨大的大白鲨、迅捷圆滑的虎鲨和常被忽视但很危险的牛鲨。)
As evidence of the river system's health, our skipper points out a 2m bull shark as it leaps skyward and a brahminy kite wheels overhead.(为了向我们展示这里水域生态系统的健康程度,船长时而让我们看着从水中腾空而起的两米长的牛鲨,时而让我们注意候盘旋在头顶的栗鸢。)
Steven Fogarty, who suffered 40 puncture wounds to his leg, told how he survived the attack by punching the bull shark in the face. "Something just grabbed me from behind.(这名叫史蒂芬·福格蒂的受害者腿部有40处伤口,他告诉人们他是怎样拼命击打鲨鱼的脸才得以逃生的,他说,“有时候它只是从后面咬住我。)
Among them is the Mekong giant catfish, which is the size of a bull shark, and the Mekong stingray, which can weigh up to 600kg.(其中包括湄公河巨型鲶鱼,体型可比牛鲨,以及湄公河黄貂鱼,体重可达600千克。)
In a new study, scientists looked at the retinas of 17 shark species caught off the coasts of eastern and western Australia, including tiger sharks and bull sharks.(科学家做了一项最新的研究,他们对17种鲨鱼的视网膜进行了研究,这些鲨鱼被捕获于澳大利亚东海岸和西海岸,其中有虎鲨和牛鲨。)
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