英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:42:00



英 [ˈbʌndl]

美 [ˈbʌndl]


v.捆;把 ... 扎成一捆;匆忙地走

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名词: bundler 过去式: bundled 过去分词: bundled 现在分词: bundling 第三人称单数: bundles

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  • 包裹,包袱
  • 【植】维管束
  • 一大笔钱
  • 捆,包,扎,卷,束,把
  • 大堆,大批,大量,一大堆(东西)
  • 【解】神经束,肌肉束
  • 【植】维管束
  • 【生】纤维束
  • 群,组
  • 捆,包,扎,把…打包,捆绑
  • 把…扎成一包,把…乱堆乱塞,把 ... 扎成一捆
  • 匆忙离去,匆匆移动
  • 急急忙忙收拾行李,把...乱七八糟地扔进,把…塞入
  • 匆匆送走,把...匆匆忙忙打发走
  • 推搡
  • 赶,匆忙赶往
  • 额外免费提供
  • 赠送软件
  • 使穿暖和
  • 收集,归拢
  • 使仓促行动
  • 与情人和衣同床而睡(新英格兰旧时的一种求爱习俗)
  • [C]捆,包,束 a number of articles tied, fastened, or held together
  • vt. & vi. 收集,归拢,把…塞入 put together or store hastily and untidily


1. a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing

Synonym: sheaf

2. a collection of things wrapped or boxed together

Synonym: packagepacketparcel

3. a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit)

e.g. she made a bundle selling real estate
they sank megabucks into their new house

Synonym: pilebig bucksmegabucksbig money


1. sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed

Synonym: practice bundling

2. compress into a wad

e.g. wad paper into the box

Synonym: packwadcompact

3. gather or cause to gather into a cluster

e.g. She bunched her fingers into a fist

Synonym: bunchbunch upclusterclump

4. make into a bundle

e.g. he bundled up his few possessions

Synonym: bundle uproll up

1. 捆;束;包
A bundle of things is a number of them that are tied together or wrapped in a cloth or bag so that they can be carried or stored.


e.g. She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out one hundred and ninety-five pounds...
e.g. He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms...

2. 婴儿
You can refer to a tiny baby as a bundle .

3. 极度,非常(用于强调某人具备的某种品质或特性)
If you describe someone as, for example, a bundle of fun, you are emphasizing that they are full of fun. If you describe someone as a bundle of nerves, you are emphasizing that they are very nervous.

e.g. I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around...
e.g. Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs, either...

4. 大量;广泛
If you refer to a bundle of things, you are emphasizing that there is a wide range of them.

e.g. The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training.

5. 匆忙打发;推搡
If someone is bundled somewhere, someone pushes them there in a rough and hurried way.


e.g. He was bundled into a car and driven 50 miles to a police station...
e.g. He was bundled in and arrested as soon as he was airborne.

6. 捆绑销售(软件)
To bundle software means to sell it together with a computer, or with other hardware or software, as part of a set.

e.g. It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.

7. 花费(某人)一大笔钱
If you say that something costs a bundle, or costs someone a bundle, you are emphasizing that it is expensive.

e.g. You can have it, but it'll cost you a bundle.

相关词组:bundle offbundle up

1. 捆:单件包装主要有箱(Case,Carton)、桶(Cask,Barrel)、袋(bag)、包(bale)、捆(bundle)等,集合包装有托盘(Pallet)、集装箱(Container)等. 二、包装标志包装标志是为了方便货物运输、装卸及储存,便于识别货物和防止货物损坏而在货物外包装上刷制的标志.

2. bundle是什么意思

2. 束:在程序中,束(bundle)等同于一些特定的编程实体,如一个类的实例或一个(在过程语言中)隐含类型的对象. 这些实体的一些例程可使需要束资源的程序代码能够访问到这些资源,而其它的一些例程则使您能将可执行代码加载以及链接入一个运行中的应用程序.

3. bundle是什么意思

3. 管束:这种组织方式会对执行的指令加诸特定限制;一个 VLIW 管束 (bundle) 的五个指令中的每一个都必须互相独立. 并由编译器找出足够的独立指令来饱合 ALU 处理能力-不同于使用较为「硬件」方案的 G80. VLIW 单元本身并未大量翻新;

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  • 经典引文

    神经极度紧张 in a very nervous state
    (使)匆匆离去 (cause to) leave hurriedly
    bundle away

    The woman bundled away when her husband returned.


    bundle sb ⇔ away

    The children were bundled away when the guests arrived.



1. bundle up : 把...捆扎, 使穿暖;

  • We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
  • The books were tied up in bundles of twenty.
  • He must have made a bundle out of selling that house.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • She..bundled up her hair as best she might.

    出自:C. M. Yonge
  • Men and women bundled against the cold.

    出自:W. Styron
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • bundle作名词时的基本意思是“捆在一起的东西”。在口语中也可作“很多钱,巨款”解。作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
bundle, bunch, pack, package, parcel, packet
  • 这6个词均有“包”的意思。其区别在于:pack指背包和包装的容器,也可指任何尺寸大小的包; package可专指包装袋、包装盒,也可指中小型的包,在美国主要指小包、小袋或小盒; parcel指由一件或几件东西捆在一起,便于人们携带的“中、小型包”。在英国parcel一般指邮包,在美国则专指15磅以下的邮包; packet指包得非常整洁的小包,如信件小包,多指“小件行李,邮包”; bunch指同类的物品紧凑而有条理地扎或捆在一起,意为“束,串”; bundle指宽松地打成的“捆”或“包”。例如:
  • The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.登山者用背包背着一些干粮。
  • We need the best package for the towels.我们需要用最好的包装用品来包装这些毛巾。
  • Yesterday I went to the post office for my parcel.昨天我去邮局领取我的包裹。
  • Give this packet of letters to the students.把这捆信件拿给学生。
  • She received a bunch of flowers from her husband.她收到丈夫送的一束花。
  • On the road there was a peasant with a bundle on his back.路上一个农民扛着一个大包。
    • ☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自中古荷兰语的bondel(bond的小词缀);最初源自该语的binden,意为捆,绑。
    The wiki explains bundle image usage.(维基中解释了打包镜像用法。)
    He collected a bundle of sticks.(他收集了一捆树枝。)
    Holding the bundle, Deta led the child down the mountain.(迪蒂抱着包袱,领着孩子下山。)
    Put simply, a class is a discrete block or bundle of variables and methods.(简单地说,类是一个由变量和方法组成的离散块或束。)
    The New Year's sun shone on the lifeless child; motionless she sat there with the matches in her lap, one bundle of them quite burnt out.(新年的太阳升起来了,照在那冰冷的小孩身上;她一动也不动地坐在那里,手中还捏着火柴,其中一捆已经完全烧光了。)
    She has become a bundle of nerves, starting at the slightest sound.(她成了神经过敏的人,听见一点点声响就惊恐不安。)
    Aunt Deta has left a bundle for you.(迪蒂阿姨给你留了一个包裹。)
    They gathered a bundle of wood, piled it up at the foot of the pine, and set fire to it.(他们捡了一捆干柴,把它们堆在松树下,然后点了火。)
    He had had a most successful day, for he carried an enormous bundle on his shoulder.(他今天一定过得很成功,因为他肩上扛着一个很大的包袱。)
    Their bundle of characteristics echoes the ceaseless curiosity and willingness to take risks noted by other experts.(他们身上的一系列特征,与其他专家所指出的无止息的好奇心和冒险意愿相呼应。)
    bundle是什么意思 bundle在线翻译 bundle什么意思 bundle的意思 bundle的翻译 bundle的解释 bundle的发音 bundle的同义词