英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:35:47



英 ['bɜ:mə]

美 ['bɜ:rmə]


  • 网络解释

1. 缅甸:(吴关琦) 缅 甸(Burma) 亚洲东南部国家. 位于中南半岛西北部,孟加拉湾东岸. 南北长2000公里,东西最宽处930多公里. 面积676581平方公里,居东南亚第二位,仅次于印度尼西亚. 人口4230万. 有42个民族,缅族人数最多,

2. Burma的解释

2. 缅甸(东南亚国家):9.Zaire 扎伊尔(非洲中部国家) | 10.Burma 缅甸(东南亚国家) | 11.Venezuela 委内瑞拉(南美洲北部国家)

3. 天秤座:奥地利、缅甸、加拿大、埃及、日本、西藏:Virgo: Greece, Turkey, Switzerland处女座:希腊... | Libra: Austria, Burma, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Tibet天秤座:奥地利、缅甸、加拿大、埃及、日本、西藏 | Scorpio: Algeria, Morocco, Norway, Syria天蝎座:阿尔及利亚、...

4. 缅/缅甸:Burlington /伯灵顿/ | Burma /缅/缅甸/ | Burmese /缅甸人/缅甸语/缅甸的/缅甸人的/缅甸语的/

My father, and not I, served in North Africa, Italy and Burma, I said.(我说,我父亲、不是我,当时是在北非、意大利和缅甸服役。)
WHO to Rebuild Health Facilities in Burma?(世卫将协助重建缅甸医疗设施。)
Burma wants to have rockets and nuclear warheads.(赛登温说,“缅甸想拥有火箭和核弹头。”)
I could leave Burma. He needed the Lady to keep him safe.(有一天我会离开缅甸,而他需要这位女士来守护平安。)
I was away for nearly four months touring around India and Burma.(我当时历时四个月在印度和缅甸之间巡回演出。)
That is the path that will bring Burma true security and prosperity.(这也是将给缅甸带来真正安全与繁荣的道路。)
More from GlobalPost: Clinton won't lift Burma sanctions. Yet.(更多详情请看《环球邮报》:《克林顿将继续对缅甸的约束》。)
The military has ruled Burma since the early 1960s.(自从1960年代初以来军人一直统治缅甸。)
It also appears to question India's borders with Burma and Bhutan.(另外,印度与缅甸及不丹的边境均有问题。)
Severino says the focus now should be on helping the people of Burma.(塞韦里诺说,现在的工作重点应该是帮助缅甸人民。)
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