英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:19:41



英 [ˈbaɪə(r)]

美 [ˈbaɪɚ]



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  • 采购员,进货员
  • 买主,买方,买者,买家,购买者
  • 货物代办人
  • 买方市场
  • 顾客,消费者,用户


1. a person who buys

Synonym: purchaseremptorvendee

1. 购买者;买主;买方
A buyer is a person who is buying something or who intends to buy it.

e.g. Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed.

2. (大商店的)采购员,进货员;买手
A buyer is a person who works for a large store deciding what goods will be bought from manufacturers to be sold in the store.

e.g. I was a buyer for the women's clothing department.

1. 采购员:而职业采购员(Buyer)大多都会参加行业展览会. 如果这个展览会是同行业展览会中最好的一个,那么短短几天的展期内,几乎所有的Buyer都会看到你的产品. 与花半年或更长时间的逐个推销相比,参加行业展览会明显地省时省钱. 时间就是金钱,

2. 采购人员:过去的作法,都是由商品采购人员(buyer)一人独自处理及管理,相关的规画及控管过程,几乎没人知道,业务透明度非常低. 如今,松井正式下令,今后所有的商品开发及采购,均必须使业务透明化、可见化,并依照新的标准作业准则处理,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service.(他们也正在努力,通过售后服务使这位汽车买家成为他们的长期客户。)
The new buyer identified a dozen new sources for the material, most of which proved to be reliable.(新买家为这种材料确定了十几个新货源,其中大多数证明是可靠的。)
After coordinate among three parties, official P/O would be submitted to both supplier and buyer from platform.(在三方沟通确认后,正式订单将同时递交买卖双方和平台。)
Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale at a better price.(格外卖力地给买主一个好印象,你就会被报以用更佳的价格更快地卖掉商品。)
When they reached the square, a buyer was soon found.(当他们到达广场时,很快就找到了一个买家。)
It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer.(向买主提供书面报告是诚信的做法。)
The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.(卖方经纪人则被要求分给买方经纪人一部分佣金。)
Though this is very convenient for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheques are not real money: they are quite valueless in themselves.(尽管这对买卖双方都很方便,但不应忘记,支票不是真正的钱:它们本身毫无价值。)
As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.(迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。)
The buyer has to sign a delivery note as proof of receipt.(购买者必须签收送货单表明货已收到。)
buyer是什么意思 buyer在线翻译 buyer什么意思 buyer的意思 buyer的翻译 buyer的解释 buyer的发音 buyer的同义词