英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈkæni]

美 [ˈkæni]



副词: cannily 比较级: cannier 最高级: canniest 名词: canniness

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  • 精明的
  • 谨慎的
  • 狡猾的
  • 机警的
  • 节俭的
  • 机敏的
  • 狡诈的
  • 安静的
  • 幸运的
  • 老谋深算的
  • 精明谨慎的
  • 心细的
  • 俭约的
  • 安全的
  • 稳定的
  • 温和的
  • 悦目的
  • 吸引人的
  • 精明地
  • 仔细地
  • 碳酸钙萤石脉
  • 精明


1. showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others

e.g. a cagey lawyer
too clever to be sound

Synonym: cageycagyclever

1. 精明的;狡黠的;头脑灵活的
A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. You can also describe a person's behaviour as canny .

e.g. He was far too canny to risk giving himself away...
e.g. A canny investor would need to predict when the dollar will once more start tumbling...

She built up her fortune by cannily playing the stock market.

1. canny

1. 梁芷珊:梁芷珊( Canny)和商人罗杰承是球坛上出名有影皆双的夫妻,某天看体育新闻时,看到夫妇二人在球员入球后兴奋得相拥大叫,让我非常难忘. 没想到 Canny由不认识足球到培养出兴趣来,只花了三个月. 「我给自己一个限期,中途曾带球员试西装、背球员名等.

2. canny

2. 精明的:90. versatile 多才多艺的 | 91. canny 精明的 | 92. cautious 小心谨慎的


3. 纽约分类广告网络:分类广告 classified ads | 纽约分类广告网络 CANNY | 分类图片广告 classified display ads

4. 稳定的,克制的,轻柔的:sly 狡猾的 | canny 稳定的,克制的,轻柔的 | uncanny 神秘的;不可思议的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The thuggish yet canny Mr Bashir has lost most of his means of manipulation.(狡猾而凶残的巴希尔已经失去了大多数他能够操控的手段。)
But the country has also benefited from some canny political leadership.(波兰同样因为拥有着叡智的领导人而获益良多。)
Ant and Dec would think her canny, at least.(AntandDec则至少会觉得她很精明。)
Andy Booth of ABOUTAsia Travel, a Cambodia specialist, says September is a canny time to tour the country.(安迪布斯是《亚洲旅行》的一位柬埔寨专家,他认为9月是去柬埔寨旅游的绝佳时间。)
A canny businesswoman too, then - just like Marilyn.(她还是一位精明的女商人,这一点——正像玛丽莲。)
Yet persuading these canny, experienced buyers to sell is not for the faint-hearted.(不过劝说这些精明世故的买家出售藏品可不是因为他们优柔寡断。)
I was a canny negotiator and a very capable speaker.(我是个精明的谈判者,又及其善于言辞。)
People who know him call him a canny guy.(认识他的人都叫他精明的家伙。)
Fressange is a canny businesswoman who knows how to market her brand: herself.(Fressange是一个精明的商人,她知道如何推销她的品牌:那就是通过她自己的方式。)
Its founder, Rodolphe Julian, was a canny businessman and quickly established his school as a premier destination for women artists.(它的创始人鲁道夫·朱利安是一位精明的商人,他很快就把他的学校打造成了女性艺术家的首选目标。)
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