英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:52:57



英 [ˈkænəpi]

美 [ˈkænəpi]


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名词复数: canopies 过去式: canopied 过去分词: canopied 现在分词: canopying 第三人称单数: canopies

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  • 天篷
  • 座舱罩
  • 天空
  • 苍穹
  • 华盖
  • 遮雨篷
  • 遮盖物
  • 伞体
  • 门檐
  • 龛檐
  • 顶篷
  • 座舱盖
  • 遮篷
  • 罩篷
  • 罩盖
  • 天篷似的树阴
  • 罗伞
  • 覆盖
  • 伞盖
  • 遮盖
  • 覆盖
  • 为…装顶篷
  • 用天篷遮覆
  • 用天蓬遮盖
  • 遮蔽


1. a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather

2. the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air

3. the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit



1. cover with a canopy

1. 华盖;顶罩
A canopy is a decorated cover, often made of cloth, which is placed above something such as a bed or a seat.

2. 华盖状的东西(如树冠)
A canopy is a layer of something that spreads out and covers an area, for example the branches and leaves that spread out at the top of trees in a forest.

e.g. The trees formed such a dense canopy that all beneath was a deep carpet of pine-needles.

1. canopy

1. 华盖:2003年,克里斯被著名组织华盖(Canopy)选中,成为世界范围内获得其下属会员资格的仅有的两位摄影师之一. 他继续在偏远地区工作,摄影并书写濒危物种及其当地文化. 类似的加强型设计特点还应用于50mm镜头,由于缺少后焦点限制,


2. 冠层:包含土壤水热运移(Soil)模型、冠层(Canopy)模型、土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)模型、冬小麦生长模拟(Wheat)模型、冬小麦生长与SPAC水热运移耦合的WheatSPAC模型5个独立的模型.利用ThuSPAC模型,

3. 天篷:而在英文中则是umbrella. 其形状似一华盖(baldachin)型天篷(canopy),有宽的金色和红色交替的条纹,...

  • 经典引文

  • The Popes are carried by Switzers under a Canopie.

A massive oak claims its ground for 200 years or more, outcompeting all other would-be canopy trees by casting a dense shade and drawing up any free water in the soil.(200年或更久的时间里,一棵巨大的橡树占据了它的土地,投下浓密的树荫,吸收土壤中所有自由水分,打败了所有其他可能成为树冠的树木。)
It pierces the canopy but misses Quaritch.(毒刺贯穿了座舱罩,但没刺到夸里奇。)
A diver explores an ice canopy off Hokkaido, Japan.(潜水员探索日本北海道的流冰群。)
Tick abundance in manicured lawns is also influenced by the amount of canopy vegetation and shade.(经修剪的草坪中,蜱虫存活数量又与植被覆盖物和阴影多寡有关。)
The two story building has a full glass facade with a large canopy and a huge glowing Apple logo.(这个两层商店全玻璃幕墙和一个大顶盖及一个发光的苹果标志。)
Under his bubble canopy, the Colonel scans the gloom of the forest.(在肥皂泡一样的驾驶舱罩里,上校扫描着阴暗的森林。)
It is important to increase city canopy cover and carbon storage.(重要的是增加城市林冠覆盖度和碳储量。)
The rich, green canopy is teeming with life, and forest researchers have developed ingenious methods for accessing this mysterious ecosystem.(富饶的绿树冠上充满了生命,森林研究人员已经研究出了进入这个神秘生态系统的巧妙方法。)
The studied jellies live in mangrove swamps and the studied eyes are always aimed at the tree canopy.(研究人员研究了生活在红树林沼泽地带的水母,他们发现水母的眼睛总是盯着树冠。)
It was a deep pool under a high canopy of leaves.(那个潭很深,在它的高处是一大片树林。)
canopy是什么意思 canopy在线翻译 canopy什么意思 canopy的意思 canopy的翻译 canopy的解释 canopy的发音 canopy的同义词