英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:47:18


英 [kænˈtæŋkərəs]

美 [kænˈtæŋkərəs]


副词: cantankerously 名词: cantankerousness

  • 词典解释

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1. 爱吵架的;爱发牢骚的
Someone who is cantankerous is always finding things to argue or complain about.


e.g. ...a cantankerous old man.


1. 脾气坏的:cantaloupe 罗马甜瓜 | cantankerous 脾气坏的 | cantata 清唱剧

2. cantankerous

2. 爱吵架的:cantango 顺价 | cantankerous 爱吵架的 | cantankerousfrumpishfrumpyill-naturedimpish 心地不良的

3. cantankerous的近义词

3. 难以处理的:candor 坦白,直率 | cantankerous 难以处理的 | brattish 讨厌的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And there was, in fact, less success than advertised.They were too cantankerous to fly as often or as inexpensively as planned, so the hope of doing things more cheaply in space evaporated.(实际上航天飞机发射成功的次数要比宣传中的少。操纵维修保养复杂,也不像计划中的那么廉价,经常导致无法正常工作,使得在太空中做一些性价比更高的事情的希望消失了。)
Charlie said it was because of my cantankerous nature, especially when being started.(查理说,这是因为我的脾气古怪的性质,尤其是在正在启动。)
You grow old if you are irritable, crotchety, petulant, and cantankerous.(当你易怒、任性、想法怪异、刚愎自用时,你才会变老。)
If my shoemaker turn me out an excellent pair of boots, and I, in some mood of cantankerous unreason, throw them back upon his hands, the man has just cause of complaint.(假如我的鞋匠给我做出一双极好的靴子,而我却因为心情不好,缺乏理性,猛地把它们扔到他手上,那么他是有正当理由抱怨的。)
"DON't WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE RIGHTS?" he e-mailed back, blessedly cantankerous.(“我们难道就没有权利拥有权利吗?”他回了信,脾气明显很差。)
Cantankerous chap Roger always was.(罗杰始终是一个坏脾气的家伙。)
Mrs Letouzel, you cantankerous old bag, what do you mean, by complaining about your money!(累托兹太太,你这个老泼妇,你为你的钱。)
In her old age Lucky became increasingly cantankerous, fighting with the other sheep and destroying the couple's flowerbeds.(上了年纪的Lucky脾气越来越暴躁,常常和其他绵羊争斗,踩坏Westgarth夫妇的花园。)
Will all this assuage the cantankerous markets?(做的所有的努力有可能缓和这个敏感的是市场吗?)
You may not be an easy person to live with because of periodic outbursts of temper and sometimes cantankerous attitude.(你可能不是个容易相处的人,因为你周期性情绪的爆发及偶尔发作的脾气暴躁。)
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