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更新时间:2025-03-03 08:48:56



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1. He pushed the car round so that it was facing in the direction of the wind, opened all four doors, pushed it along a short way, and then jumped in. The doors acted like sails, and in no time the wind had taken him right out of the car-park, and away down the beach road.

2. Check-out: it is necessary to leave the rooms not later than noon. The use of the car-park is included in the price.

3. Ah, well, erm, oh, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the car-park

4. car-park在线翻译

4. Theres a car-park in front of/at the back of the hotel.

5. car-park在线翻译

5. But when he came back at five o'clock, there were so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the car-park that he did not know which car was his.

6. Mr. Perkin parked his car in a big car-park near his office, and walked the rest of the way.

7. Fore, and had left his car in the car-park as usual.

8. car-park什么意思

8. He had driven from his village the evening before, and had left his car in the car-park as usual.

9. car-park

9. Go to the Hong Chong Road, left turn to the PolyU, then park your car at the Li Ka Shing Tower Car-Park, and go to14/F by electric lift.

10. Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.

11. car-park在线翻译

11. It also operates a special bus on busy days which takes customers to and from its overspill car-park.


12. Half-way across the car-park, he noticed she was walking with her eyes closed

13. Taped to the car-park barrier was a sign indicating a wedding reception at one of the restaurants.

14. Go to the Hong Chong Road, left turn to the PolyU, then park your car at the Li Ka Shing Tower Car-Park, and go to14 / F by electric lift.

15. Some have been manning, the stake-out 24 hours a day for five long months, paying the car-park owner$400 a week for the privilege, and with little to show for it other than a daring paparazzi shot of the Owadas'pet Yorkshire terrier cocking his leg against a tree an his daily walk.

A customer told the store manager and she caught up with me in the car park.(一个顾客的告诉店主我了偷东西,她在停车场把我抓住了。)
In 1947 a shopping centre opened in Los Angeles featuring two department stores, a cluster of small shops and a large car park.(1947年,一个购物中心在洛杉矶开业,它以拥有两个百货商场、成群的小商店和一个大型的停车场而别具一格。)
Hopefully, the suspended particulates in the air can be reduced and the design is able to provide car park users a more pleasant experience.(有望减少空气中的悬浮颗粒,该设计可以给停车场使用者提供一种更宜人的体验。)
At the entrance to the Leclerc car park in Gaillac there is a McDonald's.(这里的停车场入口处有一家麦当劳。)
Students may not use the college car park.(学生不得在学院停车场停车。)
If you're volunteering for the adventure playground area, let's start from the car park again and go up the footpath, but then you want the first left turn.(假设你是儿童游乐园的志愿者,我们再从停车场开始,沿着人行道走,但你就应该在第一个路口左转。)
The first floor has a prestigious lobby and a car park entrance.(这大厦设计是地面首层为大堂及停车场入口。)
There's a car park opposite the hotel.(酒店对面有一个停车场。)
I've had reports of buses that are trapped under fallen buildings, car park buildings that have taken significant damage, collapsed or partially collapsed.(我接到了很多有关灾情的报告:公共汽车被压在倒塌的楼房下,停车场明显损毁、半坍塌甚至全倒。)
His defence team argued it was "non-insane automatism" brought on by the stress of the youths in the car park.(托马斯的辩护律师团队争辩说,这是由于停车场青年的压力而导致的“非精神错乱的无意识行为”。)
car-park是什么意思 car-park在线翻译 car-park什么意思 car-park的意思 car-park的翻译 car-park的解释 car-park的发音 car-park的同义词