英语单词分类 轻松记单词

case study

英 [keis ˈstʌdi]

美 [kes ˈstʌdi]

名词个案研究; 专题; 研究实例; 范例分析

第三人称复数:case studies

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1. a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view

2. a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure

1. 个案研究;案例分析
A case study is a written account that gives detailed information about a person, group, or thing and their development over a period of time.

e.g. ...a large case study of malaria in West African children.

1. 实例研究:商学院的一个特点是注重实例研究(case study),也就是通过真实 世界里发生的故事来研究理论. 因此科斯一边跟着Plant学习价格机制,一边对英国的公用事业下调查工夫,并且累积了研究真实的企业所必要的知识(如商法、产业组织、金融和会计).

Case study - Auto claim system.(案例研究——自动索赔系统。)
For this article, we've chosen a fictional automobile windshield wiper company as a case study.(在本文中,我们选择一个虚构的汽车风挡刮水器公司进行案例分析。)
For today's discussion, we'll review the case study on how some animals have behaviorally adapted to their environments.(在今天的讨论中,我们将回顾一些动物如何在行为上适应环境的案例研究。)
Japan is a perfect case study.(日本是典型案例。)
In his Case Study House, Ralph Rapson may have mispredicted just how the mechanical revolution would impact everyday life.(在罗夫·雷普森的案例研究住宅中,他可能错误预估了机械革命对日常生活可能产生的影响。)
Case study: Airline reservation system.(案例研究:航班订票系统。)
Let's just think about the content of your case study—the history of Furniture Rossi.(让我们来思考一下你案例研究的内容——罗西家具的历史。)
My wife is a perfect case study.(我太太就是一个经典案例。)
Case study 1 focused on customer order analysis.(案例研究1重点讨论客户订单分析。)
There is already a real-life case study: HSBC.(已经有了现实的案例研究:汇丰银行(HSBC)。)
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