英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:34:20



英 [ˈkævl]

美 [ˈkævəl]



名词: caviler 过去式: caviled/cavilled 过去分词: caviled/cavilled 现在分词: caviling/cavilling 第三人称单数: cavils/cavils

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1. an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections

Synonym: quibblequiddity


1. raise trivial objections

Synonym: carpchicane

in AM, use 美国英语用 caviling, caviled

1. 挑剔;吹毛求疵
If you say that someone cavils at something, you mean that they make criticisms of it that you think are unimportant or unnecessary.

e.g. Let us not cavil too much...
e.g. I don't think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report.

1. 吹毛求疵或琐屑的指责:roil 搅混 使烦恼或不安;使生气 | cavil 吹毛求疵或琐屑的指责 | cavalry 骑兵

2. 挑剔:caveman 穴居人 | cavil 挑剔 | cavity of skull 颅腔

3. 吹毛求疵:carp吹毛求疵 | cavil吹毛求疵 | censorious挑剔

4. 找错;尖锤:cavi-jet 气蚀射流 | cavil 找错;尖锤 | caving 形成洞穴

Although his composition was flawless, the teacher was always cavil ling at his handwriting.(虽然他的作文写得完美无瑕,但老师对他的书法总是百般挑剔。)
A carper will cavil at anything.(爱挑剔的人对什么都挑剔。)
Let us not cavil too much.(我们不要太吹毛求疵。)
Attempts to understand or imagine her inner life tend to be a bit stilted, perhaps because the author is a historian, not a novelist. But this is a small cavil.(可能因为作者是名历史学家而非小说家,所以在尝试理解或想像她的内在生活时有点呆板,但是这是吹毛求疵。)
I don't think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report.(我认为现在不是对这份报告的措辞吹毛求疵的时候。)
Anne, far from wishing to cavil at the pleasure, replied, "I can easily believe it."(安妮决不想对这种乐趣吹毛求疵,于是答道:“这我完全可以相信。”)
To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil .(吹毛求疵找碴子或为了琐屑的原因而批评;)
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