英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:37:34



英 [tʃeɪf]

美 [tʃef]



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过去式: chafed 过去分词: chafed 现在分词: chafing 第三人称单数: chafes

  • 英英释义

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1. anger produced by some annoying irritation

Synonym: annoyancevexation

2. soreness and warmth caused by friction

e.g. he had a nasty chafe on his knee


1. warm by rubbing, as with the hands

2. cause friction

e.g. my sweater scratches

Synonym: rubfrayfretscratch

3. tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading

e.g. This leash chafes the dog's neck

Synonym: excoriate

4. cause annoyance in
disturb, especially by minor irritations

e.g. Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

Synonym: annoyragget tobotherget atirritaterilenarknettlegravelvexdevil

5. feel extreme irritation or anger

e.g. He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation

6. become or make sore by or as if by rubbing

Synonym: gallfret

1. (皮肤)擦破;(使)擦伤
If your skin chafes or is chafed by something, it becomes sore as a result of something rubbing against it.

e.g. My shorts were chafing my thighs...
e.g. She turned him in the bed so that the sheets wouldn't chafe his skin into sores...

2. (因…)生气,恼怒
If you chafe at something such as a restriction, you feel annoyed about it.

e.g. He had chafed at having to take orders from another...
e.g. He was chafing under the company's new ownership.


1. 摩擦:brim 帽沿 | chafe 摩擦 | collar 衣领


2. 擦热:chafe on 冲洗 | chafe 擦热 | chafer 金龟子

3. 惹怒:CGR 皮电反应 | chafe 惹怒 | chagrin 懊恼

4. 擦伤:CGS 厘米.克.秒 | chafe 擦伤 | chafe 摩擦

  • 经典引文

  • Waxe chaufed with the handes is made softer.

    出自:T. Wilson
  • Chafing his chilled limbs..to keep the circulation going.

    出自:D. Lodge
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Hardworking, honest citizens chafe at corrupt officials who treat them with contempt and get rich quick.(勤奋而老实的公民愤慨于那些个蔑视他们的暴富官员。)
Don't you think I'd chafe under this uniform?(你不认为我穿着这制服很烦恼么?)
Take advantage o me is becoming dumb, clear Mei a Duo leads handkerchief, little pucker up eyebrows:"Do not meditation ego the thick-skinned Be free, do you absence to chafe face?"(趁我正在发愣,明寐一把夺过手帕,微微皱起眉头:“别以为自己脸皮厚就没事,你想把脸皮擦破吗?”)
The stiff collar may chafe your neck.(硬衣领可以磨痛您的脖子。)
You might chafe under restrictions and responsibilities that you have for others, and this feeling makes you want to rebel or be free of whatever ties you down.(你可能不满于受束缚,因对别人的责任而感到焦躁,这样,你产生逆反心理,想摆脱束缚。)
His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.(他的手腕开始被绑着的布带子擦痛了。)
And though executives chafe at financial regulation, the protection it provides makes investors far more likely to hand them money to play with.(尽管金融企业高管会打擦边球,但法律提供的保护会使投资者更可能把金钱交给他们管理。)
But they chafe at the plan to shift the Fed's consumer-protection functions, which protect people from deceptive and unfair lending practices, to a new agency.(但他们对转移美联储防止欺诈和不公平贷款的消费者保护功能到一个新的机构的计划很恼火。)
A stiff collar may chafe your neck.(硬的衣领会擦伤你的脖子。)
But who will chafe my heart when you are gone?(而当你离去,谁还能擦热我的心?)
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