英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtʃeri]

美 [ˈtʃɛri]


名词复数: cherries

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  • 樱桃
  • 樱桃木
  • 樱桃树,樱花树
  • 樱桃色,鲜红色
  • 樱桃属(Prunus)树
  • 处女膜,处女,处女身分,童贞,处女状态
  • 没有经验的人,新手
  • 樱桃色的,鲜红色的,樱桃红的
  • 樱桃口味的,樱桃味的
  • 樱桃木的,樱桃木制的
  • 樱桃制的
  • 处女的,纯洁的
  • (物品)崭新的


1. a red the color of ripe cherries

Synonym: cerisecherry red

2. a red fruit with a single hard stone

3. any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone
many also produce a valuable hardwood

Synonym: cherry tree

4. wood of any of various cherry trees especially the black cherry


1. of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange)
resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

Synonym: redreddishruddyblood-redcarminecerisecherry-redcrimsonrubyruby-redscarlet

1. 樱桃
Cherries are small, round fruit with red skins.

2. 樱桃树
A cherry or a cherry tree is a tree that cherries grow on.

1. 樱桃树:6:装饰型树木(AestheticTrees)分为李树(Plum)、桃树(Peach)和樱桃树(Cherry). [I:居民区规划]富人区的规划跟平民区大致相同,而且规划好平民区要比富人区重要的多,所有下面只讲述如何规划平民区. [I1:道路] 建立一个区域大概都要先铺好道路,

2. 樱:我们的使命:为客户、公司、员工、社会可持续地创造价值. 赛莱拉国际(美容)集团专注于内养外护健康美容领域,集研发制造、连锁经营、教育培训、电子商务于一体. 旗下拥有赛莱拉(SALIA)美容品牌、赛斯兰黛(SELAUDI)美容品牌、蓓樱(CHERRY)美容品牌、赛妆(SYD...

  • 经典引文

  • Opening the cherrie of her lips.

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Cucumber, cherry tomato, carrot, and sweet corn are my favorite vegetables.(黄瓜、樱桃番茄、胡萝卜、甜玉米都是我最喜欢的蔬菜。)
She washed and stoned the cherry.(她洗了樱桃并去了核。)
The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.(华盛顿的樱花今年开得早。)
Do you want some cherry?(你想来点樱桃吗?)
Some are soft and tempting, like a peach or a cherry.(有些柔软诱人,比如桃子或樱桃。)
We have our own quarries: Oriental Cherry Red Quarry and Yellow Rust Granite Quarry.(我们有自己的采石场:樱花红采石场和黄锈花岗岩采石场。)
You can call me Cherry.(你可以叫我樱桃。)
Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later.(日本的樱花节要晚一点。)
An apple is much bigger than a cherry.(苹果比樱桃大得多。)
Our cherry trees didn't fruit well.(我们的樱桃树果实结得不好。)
cherry是什么意思 cherry在线翻译 cherry什么意思 cherry的意思 cherry的翻译 cherry的解释 cherry的发音 cherry的同义词