英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 17:23:04


英 [ˈtʃɒpstɪk]

美 [ˈtʃɑ:pstɪk]



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1. one of a pair of slender sticks used as oriental tableware to eat food with

1. 筷子
Chopsticks are a pair of thin sticks which people in China and the Far East use to eat their food.

1. 筷子:单词,把你遇到的花,鸟,鱼,虫,门门类类搞清楚,列如吃东西要:碗(bowl),筷子(chopstick),勺子(spoon)等等. 记单词要讲究方法,例如:联想(bowl读起来像饱,对有碗就有饭,有饭就不饱了吗?哈哈对比(好good -坏bad演绎就是举例子(我今天学了love ,

2. [常用复](中国的)筷子:326 fork n. 叉; v. 叉起,耙,成叉状 | 327 chopstick [常用复](中国的)筷子 | 328 formal a. 正式的

3. 一次性筷子:STRAW一次性吸管 | CHOPSTICK一次性筷子 | OTHERPARTYNEEDS其它一次性用品

4. (中国的)筷子:chopsocky || (成本低廉的)功夫片 | chopstick || (中国的)筷子 | chopsticks || 筷子

Putting a chopstick in a glass before pouring in beer can prevent foam.(倒啤酒时,杯子里放一根筷子就不会起白沫了。)
Feifei: Of course I can. The Chopstick is a miracle among the creations of Chinese food culture.(肥肥:当然我能。在中国餐饮文化中筷子是一个神奇的发明。)
Bamboo groves they harvested to sell to toy and chopstick makers shriveled and died.(他们过去卖给玩具和筷子制造商的毛竹都枯死了。)
He thinks that Chopstick used the principle of lever and what hands can do.(他认为,筷子使用的原则,杠杆和手可以做什么。)
A 20 - year old tree could produce 3000-4000 pairs of chopstick.(一棵生长了20年的大树,仅能制成3000至4000双筷子。)
Though the chopstick is the quintessential cutlery choice throughout most of Asia.(筷子是亚洲大部分国家最典型的餐具选择。)
The child is still awkward with his chopstick.(那孩子用筷子还不太谙练。)
I need chopstick, knife, fork.(我要筷子、刀、叉。)
Activists argue that the disposable chopstick habit could gradually be phased out on an individual basis.(积极者则辩称使用一次性木筷的习惯可能会逐渐被个人所淘汰。)
After wrapping my hand with several layers of cotton, then soaking it in wine, she put a chopstick into my mouth, and ignited the cotton.(她在我的手上包了好几层棉花,然后沾上酒,往我嘴里塞了一根筷子,点燃了棉花。)
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