英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 11:57:35



英 [klentʃ]

美 [klɛntʃ]



过去式: clenched 过去分词: clenched 现在分词: clenching 第三人称单数: clenches

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  • vt. 紧握,抓紧,咬紧 close or hold tightly;grasp firmly


1. the act of grasping

e.g. he released his clasp on my arm
he has a strong grip for an old man
she kept a firm hold on the railing

Synonym: claspclutchclutchesgraspgriphold

2. a small slip noose made with seizing

Synonym: clinch


1. squeeze together tightly

e.g. clench one's jaw

2. hold in a tight grasp

e.g. clench a steering wheel

Synonym: clinch

1. 攥紧(拳头);(拳头)紧握
When you clench your fist or your fist clenches, you curl your fingers up tightly, usually because you are very angry.

e.g. Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth...
e.g. She pulled at his sleeve and he turned on her, fists clenching again before he saw who it was.

2. (通常指生气、不安时)咬紧(牙齿),咬牙切齿
When you clench your teeth or they clench, you squeeze your teeth together firmly, usually because you are angry or upset.

e.g. Patsy had to clench her jaw to suppress her anger...
e.g. Slowly, he released his breath through clenched teeth.

3. 抓紧;握紧;咬紧
If you clench something in your hand or in your teeth, you hold it tightly with your hand or your teeth.

e.g. I clenched the arms of my chair.

1. 牢牢抓住:clement 和蔼的 | clench 牢牢抓住 | clencher 敲钉头用具

2. 敲弯:clench 铆紧 | clench 敲弯 | clenchbolt 弯头螺栓

3. 钉牢:cleft 裂片 | clench 钉牢 | clench 铆紧

4. 铆紧:clench 钉牢 | clench 铆紧 | clench 敲弯

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • He clenched his fist and his face was very red.
  • 1
  • Their fists were clenched so tightly that their nails dug deep into their palms.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Her hair was clenched in curlers.

    出自:M. Leitch
Patsy had to clench her jaw to suppress her anger.(帕茜不得不咬紧牙关来压下怒火。)
I thought I heard his teeth clench together.(我想我听到了他咬牙发出的声响。)
Then would I bear, and clench myself, and die.(我将暗承受,自持且死去。)
I would have these long fingernails glued on, and I couldn't clench my fists or I'd break them.(我戴著长长的指甲,它使我既不能握拳,否则会折断它。)
There's nothing in your hand when you clench it. You will have everything after loosing it.(没有什么你手里当你握紧它。你会拥有一切后失去它。)
I felt my jaws clench and teeth grind together.(我感到双颚紧闭,牙齿紧紧咬在一起。)
Gesture: Lower hands to your waist, clench slightly, and move up and down as if carrying a heavy weight.(手势:将双手放置与腰齐平,轻轻握紧,上下移动,似举重物。)
In dangerous times, we clench and squint at the deal that looks too good to miss, suspecting that it must be too good to be true.(在危险的时期,我们紧握拳头,眯着眼睛看那些看起来好得不能错过的交易,怀疑它简直好得难以置信。)
I felt the clench of his hand on my arm.(我感觉到他的手牢牢抓住我的胳臂。)
Hold out your arm please, and put it on the desk. Clench your fist!(请把胳膊伸出来,搁到桌子上。攥紧拳头。)
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