With short hair, you could do many hairstyles like spikes, high and tight, clipper cut and face as well.(拥有一头短发,你可有许多种发型,例如刺头,帆船头,把头发梳的高高的一绺,或者贴脸式。)
Baron Davis made his debut as a Los Angeles Clipper, scoring 12 points and handing out a game-high 7 assists.(拜伦·戴维斯首次代表洛杉矶快船出赛,得到了12分和全场最高的7次助攻。)
The pirate ship boarded the clipper.(海盗船强行靠近快艇。)
Thank you. You'll find the music programs and the movies listed in our in-flight magazine Clipper, as well as beverage list.(谢谢。你不仅可以在我们的飞行杂志c中找到饮料表,也可以找到音乐和电影。)
The return of the Clipper Race fleet brings with it a hero's welcome for each and every crew member taking part. The crew return as legends.(克利伯环球帆船赛船队的回归欢迎仪式将眷顾每一位参赛选手。船员们传奇回归,将会接受到英雄凯旋般的接待。)
Change the clipper gauges to a shorter comb to begin fading the next layer of hair down.(开始剪下一层头发的时候,换成带有短梳的剪刀。)
But this is now official, the consensus College Player of the Year from Oklahoma will be a Clipper.(但是,这是目前官方的共识大学球员从俄克拉何马年将是快船。)
Stealth Mode is an interesting and exciting concept used on the Clipper Round the World Race.(隐身模式是克利伯环球帆船赛中使用的一个非常有趣、令人兴奋的战术概念。)
The Pacific Ocean conditions provide the perfect environment for the Clipper 70s to break the current 30.7 knots speed record.(太平洋的海况条件给克利伯70尺帆船打破新纪录提供了完美的基础,当前的时速记录是每小时30.7节。)
Finally, in the Clipper chip there are a number of silicon features, of which the most important is a fusible link system.(最后,在大剪刀薄片中有一些矽特征,一个熔解的联编系统是哪最重要的。)
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