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更新时间:2025-03-10 12:00:07



英 [kəˈlɒsəs]

美 [kəˈlɑ:səs]


名词复数: colossi

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1. a person of exceptional importance and reputation

Synonym: behemothgiantheavyweighttitan

2. someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful

Synonym: giantgoliathbehemothmonster

1. 巨人;伟人;庞然大物;极重要的事情
If you describe someone or something as a colossus, you think that they are extremely important and great in ability or size.


e.g. He was a colossus, a legend.
e.g. ...saxophone colossus Sonny Rollins...

2. 巨型雕塑
A colossus is an extremely large statue.

1. colossus在线翻译

1. 很赞耶:- Oh, I'm on your ass, bird. - Stab his wing. All right. Yeah.|- 我来对付你了,大鸟! - 刺它的翅膀!好耶! | Colossus!|很赞耶! | You're a fucked-up dude, man.|你真是无可救药

2. 巨像/巨人:colossians /歌罗西书/ | colossus /巨像/巨人/ | colostration /初乳病/

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Her interests include videogaming, particularly Shadow of the Colossus, playing the piano and reading about European history.(她的兴趣有打电玩,特别是旺达与巨像游戏(ShadowoftheColossus),还有弹钢琴和阅读欧洲历史方面的书。)
Has the Colossus changed in recent builds?(巨像在最近的版本中有改变吗?)
The Colossus was a unit that I wasn't sold on before playing it.(巨像是个让我先前不太买帐的单位。)
This allows the Phase Prism to be able to transport even gigantic units such as the Colossus.(这使得相位棱镜能够运送诸如巨神像之类的超大型单位。)
The colossus structure creeps in all over the main street in CBDs to deliver 250,000++ passengers a day.(这个巨像结构沿着城市CBD的主干道一直蔓延下去,每天也在运送着至少250,000名乘客。)
The Colossus would be the unit you are looking for.(巨像将是你想要找的单位。)
He was a colossus, a legend.(他是一个伟人,一个传奇人物。)
One thing to note: the Iron Colossus MOBS cast Ground Slam.(不过有一件事情要注意:铁巨像怪会施放地面猛击。)
Now while the Colossus is very dangerous against ground targets, it's much more vulnerable to an air counterattack.(到现在“巨神像”是个非常危险的高地攻击目标,更加容易受到空中打击。)
The boxer weighs three hundred pounds and walks like a veritable colossus.(这个拳击手重三百镑,走起路来像个十足的巨人。)
colossus是什么意思 colossus在线翻译 colossus什么意思 colossus的意思 colossus的翻译 colossus的解释 colossus的发音 colossus的同义词