英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [kəʊks]

美 [koʊks]


副词: coaxingly 名词: coaxer 过去式: coaxed 过去分词: coaxed 现在分词: coaxing 第三人称单数: coaxes

  • 详情解释

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  • 劝诱
  • 哄骗
  • 用好话劝诱
  • 巧妙地处理
  • 轻轻地弄好
  • 劝说
  • 讲好话要求
  • 甜言蜜语地说
  • 用好话劝
  • 哄诱
  • 哄得
  • 诱得
  • 耐心地处理
  • 慢慢将…弄好
  • 哄劝
  • 用好话劝说
  • 巧言骗取
  • 慢慢的做好
  • 以巧言诱得
  • 诱骗
  • 灵巧慢慢地做
  • 油嘴滑舌的人
  • 花言巧语
  • 同轴电缆
  • 哄骗
  • vt. 哄,用好话劝说 persuade by gentle kindness,patience,or flattery
  • vt. 巧言骗取 get by gently persuading


1. a transmission line for high-frequency signals

Synonym: coaxial cablecoax cable


1. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

e.g. He palavered her into going along

Synonym: wheedlecajolepalaverblarneysweet-talkinveigle

1. (用好话)劝诱,哄
If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it.

e.g. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself...
e.g. The government coaxed them to give up their strike by promising them temporary residence permits.

2. 连哄带劝地得到
If you coax something such as information out of someone, you gently persuade them to give it to you.


e.g. The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim...
e.g. It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.

3. 小心地摆弄(机器或装置)
If you coax a machine or device into doing something, you make it work by operating it very slowly and gently.


e.g. He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin...
e.g. He was delighted to coax the monoplane to 330 m.p.h.

1. 同轴电缆:是专业设计和生产同轴电缆(COAX)宽带有线数字电视网络设备的公司. 我们的目标是生产高速、灵活、实用,易配置的产品,以支持网络公司各种宽带服务解决方案和数字电视平移. 如,视频点播、本地网接入、在线游戏、数字音频、HDTV视频流及IPTV等.

2. 同轴:在DA-1716kit的电路板上,我们利用一个Jumper(跳针)来切换同轴(COAX)或光纤(OPTI)输入端. 当使用同轴时,请将红色的套帽摆在中点与COAX间;使用同轴时,则应该将红色套帽摆在中点与OPTI之间.


3. 哄骗:值此关键时刻,中美召开第二轮战略与经济对话,可谓恰逢其时. 美联社的报道说,美国国务卿希拉里(希拉莉)力图哄骗(coax)中国承担更积极的作用约束朝鲜,阻止它向韩国发动进攻.

4. 哄:coauthor 合著者 | coax 哄 | coaxal 共轴的

5. coax:(coaxial cable 同轴电缆

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • She coaxed her son into going to school.
  • The nurse coaxed a smile from the baby.
  • He coaxed extra money from his father.
  • I had ever such a time coaxing her to let me come down and say good-bye.

    出自:L. M. Montgomery
  • How to coax a cheer or a laugh from a lazy crowd.

    出自:P. Kavanagh
  • A recalcitrance I could always be coaxed out of by my father's pretending I was a bear.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • To rake out the embers of his stove and coax it back into flame.

    出自:I. Colegate
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.coax

Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him.

Ehlers 终于成功地把那只动物哄到了他身边。


  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Do you think you can just walk into their scene and coax them?(你认为你可以直接走近他们然后开始哄他们么?)
She had to coax the car along.(她得耐着性子发动汽车往前开。)
At this late stage it proves difficult for Obama to coax those whom he once so gratuitously offended and went after.(在最近这个时期,奥巴马很难哄骗那些他严重得罪过的人重新追随他。)
There has been deregulation, to lengthen shopping hours and to coax the long-term unemployed back into work.(虽然已经撤消了管制来延长商场营业时间,诱使长期失业人群重回工作岗位。)
The officer spoke yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.(该官员昨天谈起她的职责:设法劝诱那个年轻受害人提供重要信息。)
Publishers coax books out of tardy authors.(出版商们会从爱拖延的作家那里把作品哄出来。)
In other words, you cannot hold cheerleading sessions and coax people into these new behaviors.(换句话说,你不能带着拉拉队去把他们哄到新的行为上。)
An insurance salesman might try to coax you into whole life insurance or universal life insurance; don't let them!(保险营销员可能会劝你购买终身寿险或者万能险,不要让他们得逞。)
The six countries trying to coax Iran into negotiation are stuck.(但是这些国家诱导伊朗进行谈判的努力陷入到了困境中。)
In that case, CERN would adjust the strength of compensating magnets to coax the beam back into shape.(遇到这种情形,CERN将调整补偿磁铁的强度以诱使粒子束重新回到平面上。)
coax是什么意思 coax在线翻译 coax什么意思 coax的意思 coax的翻译 coax的解释 coax的发音 coax的同义词