英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈkɒgnɪzəns]

美 [ˈkɑ:gnɪzəns]


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1. having knowledge of

e.g. he had no awareness of his mistakes
his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced
their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive

Synonym: awarenessconsciousnesscognisanceknowingness

2. range or scope of what is perceived

3. range of what one can know or understand

e.g. beyond my ken

Synonym: ken

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 cognisance

1. 察觉;注意;承认
If you take cognizance of something, you take notice of it or acknowledge it.

e.g. The government failed to take cognisance of their protest.

2. 认知;察知
Cognizance is knowledge or understanding.

e.g. ...the teacher's developing cognizance of the child's intellectual activity.

1. cognizance在线翻译

1. 证明令:co-financing scheme 共同融资计划 | cognizance 证明令 | coin 硬币

2. cognizance什么意思

2. 认识:clutter#喧闹 | cognizance#认识 | cohesion#附着(力)

3. 认识,识别:coconut椰子 | cognizance 认识,识别 | coincubate 共培养

4. 熟悉:cognizable 可熟悉的 | cognizance 熟悉 | cohabitation 同居

  • 相关词组

  • 经典引文

1. be beyond one's cognizance : 认识不到的; 不受...管辖的; ;

2. have cognizance of : 认识到, 察知;

  • The cognizance was of a silver woman on a sable field.

    出自:T. H. White
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The king had cognizance of plots against him.(国王觉察到了反判他的阴谋。)
I have taken cognizance of the view.(我已注意到了这种观点。)
Your body needs it, you also feel health and happy yourself, Then cognizance it is a good custom, so you would like to do it day and night.(你的身体需要它,你也感觉自己健康而愉悦,以此认定这是一个好习惯,所以愿意日日夜夜重复。)
This idea form that takes no cognizance and denies lotus flower and the emotion meaning symbolize by it.(这就无视和抹煞了荷花的意象形式及其所象征的情感意义。)
Knowledge is a cognizance of basic impersonality.(知识是一种具有客观基础的认知。)
Have some cognizance of mechanism.(对机械有一定的认识。)
Little cognizance is taken of these events.(这些事件未有引起注意。)
These matters fall within the cognizance of this court.(这些问题在本法庭审理范围之内。)
The case still is in farther cognizance.(案件仍在进一步审理中。)
Some viewpoints on test, disfigurement analysis, responsibility cognizance and loss estimate in appraisal program are proposed.(对鉴定过程中所涉及的检测、缺陷原因分析、责任认定和损失测算提出了看法。)
cognizance是什么意思 cognizance在线翻译 cognizance什么意思 cognizance的意思 cognizance的翻译 cognizance的解释 cognizance的发音 cognizance的同义词