英语单词分类 轻松记单词

come about

英 [kʌm əˈbaut]

美 [kʌm əˈbaʊt]

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1. come to pass

e.g. What is happening?
The meeting took place off without an incidence
Nothing occurred that seemed important

Synonym: happenhapgo onpass offoccurpassfall outtake place

1. 产生;发生
When you say how or when something came about, you say how or when it happened.

e.g. Any possible solution to the Irish question can only come about through dialogue...
e.g. That came about when we went to Glastonbury last year...

1. 发生:clean up 彻底清扫 | come about 发生 | come across 碰见

2. 发生;(风等)改变方向:draw to a close 渐近结束 | come about 发生;(风等)改变方向 | come across (越过...而)来到

3. 发生,产生:15.know about 了解;知道 | 16.come about 发生;产生 | 17.the answer to the question 问题的答案

4. 产生;造成:bring about 导致;产生;发生 | come about 产生;造成 | check over 核对;检查

How did this tremendous success come about?(这巨大的成就是如何实现的?)
Still, mutual understanding has not yet come about.(然而,他们仍未能达成相互理解。)
This can come about from a variety of reasons.(原因是多方面的。)
Of how this might come about.(看看这是怎么出来的。)
I've come about my book.(我来拿我的书。)
The expected boost in voter support has not come about.(人们所期待的提升选民支持并未实现。)
These social achievements have not come about by accident.(这些生活成就并非侥幸而来。)
She recommends you train yourself to pay attention to good fortune by writing down three positive things that come about each day.(她建议你每天写下三件当天发生的积极的事情,以此训练自己关注自身的好运气。)
This change has come about largely because of setbacks in court.(这种转变的出现,主要是因为在法庭上的挫败。)
When did these letters come about? It's everybody guess.(这三封信何时出现?,大家各持已见。)
come about是什么意思 come about在线翻译 come about什么意思 come about的意思 come about的翻译 come about的解释 come about的发音 come about的同义词