英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:07:10



英 [kəmˈpəʊz]

美 [kəmˈpoʊz]


过去式: composed 过去分词: composed 现在分词: composing 第三人称单数: composes

  • 详情解释

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  • 组成
  • 使镇静
  • 使安定
  • 使平静
  • 构成
  • 调停
  • 为谱曲
  • 【印】排
  • 构(图)
  • 排…的版
  • 设计
  • 【印】排(字)
  • 作诗
  • 作曲
  • 构图
  • 排字
  • 创作(音乐)
  • 创作
  • 撰写
  • 为…谱曲
  • 编排
  • 写作
  • 使和解
  • vt. 组成,构成 make up; form
  • vt. & vi. 谱曲 put together in literary, musical, etc.; form; write music or literary works
  • vt. 使安定,使镇静 cause to calm



1. make up plans or basic details for

e.g. frame a policy

Synonym: framedraw up

2. put together out of existing material

e.g. compile a list

Synonym: compile

3. produce a literary work

e.g. She composed a poem
He wrote four novels

Synonym: writepenindite

4. write music

e.g. Beethoven composed nine symphonies

Synonym: write

5. calm (someone, especially oneself)
make quiet

e.g. She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult

6. form the substance of

e.g. Greed and ambition composed his personality

1. 组成;构成
The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.

e.g. The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries...
e.g. Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells...

2. 谱写(乐曲);作(曲)
When someone composes a piece of music, they write it.

e.g. Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos...
e.g. Cale also uses electronic keyboards to compose.

3. 创作,写(信、诗或演讲稿)
If you compose something such as a letter, poem, or speech, you write it, often using a lot of concentration or skill.

e.g. He started at once to compose a reply to Anna...
e.g. The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.

4. 为(照片、图像)构图
If you compose a picture or image, you arrange it in an attractive and artistic way.

e.g. Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot...
e.g. The drawing is beautifully composed.

5. 使(自己)平静(或镇定);使(表情)镇静下来
If you compose yourself or if you compose your features, you succeed in becoming calm after you have been angry, excited, or upset.

e.g. She quickly composed herself as the car started off...
e.g. Then he composed his features, took Godwin's hand awkwardly and began to usher him from the office.

1. 撰写:2.如果你没用becky,或没装x-face插件,可以看邮件的头(headers)信息,如果有x-face这些内容,就是带有x-face,比如邮件的头信息是这样的:完全可以,在邮箱设置(mailbox setup)将HTML格式的模板设置为默认撰写(compose)模板就行了.

2. compose的近义词

2. 合成:我从 Algol 中捕获的中心想法是基于把原子类型(包括结构)合成(compose)到数组、指针(引用)和函数(过程)内的一种类型结构. Algol 68 的联合(union)和强制(cast)概念也在后来影响. 在语言命名之后快速的变更继续着,例如介入了 && 和 || 操作符.

3. 作曲:原文链接:Part1Part2Part3Part4关于HipHop音乐的采样(Sample)与作曲(Compose),一直以来都有争执. 我们很难道出它的始末,不过有一点是肯定的,热爱HipHop的人都更愿意听采样出来的歌曲,因为确实让人有似曾相识的感觉. 而坚持作曲 ...

4. 创作:似乎完全没有难度,声音中有一种狡黠. 他不见得要做抗议歌手,但歌词中对唱片工业,唱片通路以及媒体的观察也可见他的敏锐. 2.跨国制作两年,全部都是力宏包办:创意发想(creation)、创作(compose)、制作(produce)、编曲(arrangement)

5. compose:computerized production operating system extension; 计算机化生产运行系统扩展

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    由…组成 be made up of
    be composed of sb/sth

    Our class is composed of eighteen boys and twelve girls.


    The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood.


  • He teaches music and also composes.
用作动词 (v.)
  • A few poems in her own handwriting, composed after her marriage.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • To compose in my head..the first lines of an introductory lecture.

    出自:P. Roth
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • compose的基本意思有二,一是“组成”“构成”,引申可表示“作曲”; 二是“使安定,使镇静”。
  • compose作“组成”解时,是及物动词。主语是组成前的各个部分,宾语是组成后的一个整体,不用于被动结构。
  • compose作“作曲”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。
  • compose作“使镇静”解时,强调有意识的努力、决心和坚毅,是及物动词。表示“自我镇定”时,须接反身代词作宾语,不用于被动结构。
compose, calm
  • 这组词的共同意思是“平静”。其区别是:
  • compose着重指“动作”,即控制自己的思想情绪或感情,使其“平静”; 而calm着重指“状态”,即镇定而显不出迷惑或兴奋。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    These latter components compose the main bulk of the underlying price tag.(后面的这几个成分组成了基础价格的主要部分。)
    We can say that the properties of an ecosystem are more stable than the individual organisms that compose the ecosystem.(可以说,生态系统的特性要比组成生态系统的单个生物体性质更加稳定。)
    His method was to organize small ensembles of four or five saxophones and a clarinet and have the students compose some of the music themselves.(他的方法是组建一个只有四、五件萨克斯管和一件单簧管的小乐队,并让学生自已谱一些曲。)
    This allows you to compose and send messages from within the browser.(所以收发邮件的工作都可以在浏览器完成了。)
    Now you can take a picture and compose it in a new way.(以后就可以用全新的方式拍摄和编辑照片。)
    England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.(英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成大不列颠岛国。)
    So we compose the "routing" brick with "pipe" and "transformation" bricks.(这样,我们就将“路由”单元和“管道”单元与“转换”单元组装在了一起。)
    You can then compose a number of handlers in handler lists.(您可以在处理程序清单中放置大量的处理程序。)
    Even our youngest students can compose comments on a blog.(甚至连我们最年轻的学生也能在博客上发表评论。)
    How do I compose sets of services into new solutions?(如何将服务集组合为新解决方案?)
    compose是什么意思 compose在线翻译 compose什么意思 compose的意思 compose的翻译 compose的解释 compose的发音 compose的同义词