The USX-800 is available in HC (condenser), HD (dynamic) and white versions.(在塞克斯-800可在慧聪(冷凝器),高清(动态)和白色版本。)
Send the condenser to the workshop for repair.(把缸头送到车间去修理。)
You might think an omni pickup pattern would work well, meaning the condenser mics would hear behind as well as the sides.(你或许会认为全指向的拾音制式会更适合,这就意味着电容麦会拾到后面和旁边的声音。)
These include: shelf temperature, product temperature, condenser temperature, chamber pressure and condenser pressure.(包括:板层温度、产品温度、冷凝器温度、前箱压力、冷凝器压力。)
Loot a Charged Condenser Jar from the lightning rods scattered around the area.(从周围分散的闪电魔棒拾取充能的冷凝瓶。)
In your fractional distillation condenser.(或在分馏冷凝器。)
Remove the refrigerant line between the compressor and condenser.(拆下压缩机与冷凝器之间的制冷剂管路。)
If you use any condenser mic, it is crucial to realize that the sound pressure may hurt the fragile condenser diaphragm.(不管你用任何一种电容麦,清楚大的声压会损伤电容麦的振膜是非常重要的。)
A pneumatically activated butterfly valve is located close to the condenser to isolate the vacuum system from the condenser.(在靠冷凝器的位置有一个气动蝶阀,将冷凝器与真空系统隔开。)
The feed-water from the condenser coming down the vessel and out through to the core.(这个从压缩机的补水,从管子往下,流出,进入核心。)
condenser是什么意思 condenser在线翻译 condenser什么意思 condenser的意思 condenser的翻译 condenser的解释 condenser的发音 condenser的同义词