英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [kənˈdʒi:l]

美 [kənˈdʒil]


形容词: congealable 名词: congealer 过去式: congealed 过去分词: congealed 现在分词: congealing 第三人称单数: congeals

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1. become gelatinous

e.g. the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme

Synonym: jellset

1. (液体)凝结,变稠
When a liquid congeals, it becomes very thick and sticky and almost solid.

e.g. The blood had started to congeal.
e.g. ...spilled wine mingled with congealed soup.

1. 凝结,冻僵:confuse 使混乱 | congeal 凝结,冻僵 | congenial 意气相投,友善的

2. 冻结:congeal 凝固 | congeal 冻结 | congealable 可凝固的

3. 凝固:coagulate凝固,vt,vi,a | congeal凝固 vt,vi | congest使充满,v

4. (使)冻结,(使)凝结:conge || 撤职, 解任, 告辞 | congeal || (使)冻结, (使)凝结 | congealable || 可冻结[凝结]的

  • 经典引文

  • Curiosity..may be dissipated in trifles or congealed by indolence.

The blood had started to congeal.(血液已经开始凝结。)
I let the hair on my legs entwine, the soy sauce on my chin congeal.(我让头发在腿上盘绕,让茄酱在下巴凝结。)
Fall congeal degrees on mixture of KH150BS bodying oil with different base oil of different nature such as high viscosity index base oil, isomerization unit based oil lost and so on were studied.(进行了KH150BS与高粘度指数基础油、大庆加氢异构化脱蜡油等不同性质基础油调兑后对降凝剂的感受性研究,用倾点测定法考察其降凝效果。)
Low power rate on the surface of heating tube. Medium does not scale, congeal, sinter or carbonize on the surface, and so is ideal heating element for viscous, and heat sensitive liquid medium.(加热器管表面功率负荷低,介质不会在表面结垢、粘结、烧焦、碳化等,是粘性、热敏性液体介质加热的理想元件。)
The sanitary napkin with high effective gel layer can congeal the infiltrating liquid to jelly, not flow back after pressing, and you won't feel sticky on the surface.(内含高效胶化层的卫生巾,可把渗入的液体凝结成啫喱状,受压后不回渗,表面没有粘乎乎的感觉。)
Queen: Her breath will still. Her blood congeal.(王后:呼吸停止,血液凝结。)
When the cheese started to cool and congeal, which took a good 30 minutes, all I did was stick it back on the stove, stirring until runny.(奶酪开始冷却、凝结,用了整整30分钟,在这期间,我所做的就是把它再放回炉子上,搅拌直至奶酪开始流淌。)
Fly ash high-performance concrete regard durability as main goal go on design mix Congeal the soil.(粉煤灰高性能混凝土是以耐久性为主要目标进行设计的混凝土。)
Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter.(出自真心的友谊不会因逆境而冻结,如同泉水不会在冬天里结冻。)
The increasing population density will even further congeal traffic.(日益增加的人口密度将使交通更加瘫痪。)
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