英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [kənˈskrɪpt]

美 [ˈkɑnˌskrɪpt]



过去式: conscripted 过去分词: conscripted 现在分词: conscripting 第三人称单数: conscripts

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1. someone who is drafted into military service

Synonym: drafteeinductee


1. enroll into service compulsorily

e.g. The men were conscripted

The noun is pronounced /'kɒnskrɪpt/. The verb is pronounced /kən'skrɪpt/. 名词读作 /'kɒnskrɪpt/,动词读作 /kən'skrɪpt/。

1. 应征入伍者
A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country.

2. 征召;招募
If someone is conscripted, they are officially made to join the armed forces of a country.

e.g. He was conscripted into the German army...
e.g. Peter was conscripted like every other young man.

1. 動員兵:在华盛顿,苏联的动员兵(Conscript)向五角大楼发起攻击. 同时,维拉迪摩的海军舰队与美国海军在佛罗里达外海展开战斗. 巨大的基洛夫空艇(这种空艇在原先的和平条约中并未被禁止建造)向美国城市投下巨大的炸弹;苏军伞兵则肃清了关键区域.

2. conscript是什么意思

2. 征募:成吉思汗 Genghis Khan | 征募 conscript | 工匠,手工业工人 artisan


3. 征兵,入伍:conscience forum 道德法庭 | conscript 征兵,入伍 | conservative party 保守党


4. 被征召的:conscript fathers 参议员 | conscript 被征召的 | conscription law 兵役法

  • 经典引文

  • Conscripted into the Wehrmacht.

    出自:C. Ryan
  • Winter and summer..conscripted our thoughts.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The practice of allowing a conscript to pay someone to take his place should be continued.(允许新兵付钱让人代替他的兵役,这种做法可以继续执行。)
What does conscript check-up have is there scar to you can go on specific requirement body?(征兵体检有什么具体要求身上有疤能行么?)
The Argentine conscript border guards were as charmless a bunch of fellows as you'd expect to find dispatched to a deserted road on top of a freezing cold mountain.(阿根廷征召来的边界警卫实在无趣,你想象得到这样一群倒霉的家伙,被派往彻骨寒冷的山顶,在沙漠公路上当差,还要他们怎么样呢?)
In 2010, you won't see one conscript commando, "the senior military official said."(“2010年,你不会看到一个应征突击队”的高级军事官员说。)
A conscript in a shabby uniform saluted the car.(一个穿着破旧制服的士兵向汽车敬礼。)
Your body accords with conscript requirement completely.(你的身体完全符合征兵要求。)
Article 18 The term of active service for a conscript is two years.(第十八条义务兵服现役的期限为二年。)
For one thing, the professional fighting force is far more effective and efficient than any conscript force could ever be.(为一件事,专业作战力量是远远更有效和更高效,比任何应征者的力量都不能。)
This is today winter the one big move in check-up of this city conscript.(这是今冬本市征兵体检中的一大举措。)
One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.(一年轻应征入伍者站起以哽咽之声动情致谢。)
conscript是什么意思 conscript在线翻译 conscript什么意思 conscript的意思 conscript的翻译 conscript的解释 conscript的发音 conscript的同义词