英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈsi:mən]

美 [ˈsimən]



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  • 水兵
  • 海员
  • 水手
  • 舵手
  • 船员
  • (海军)士兵


1. a man who serves as a sailor

Synonym: marinertarJack-tarJackold saltseafarergobsea dog

1. 水手;海员;水兵
A seaman is a sailor, especially one who is not an officer.

e.g. The men emigrate to work as seamen.


1. 海员:在称谓上,英、美法系国家对在船上任职的人员共有三种称谓,即船长(Master)、船员(Crew)和海员(Seaman). 考察其法律规定,对这三个概念之间的关系可作如下理解:船长不包括在船员之中,船员与海员的含义和范围近似,在表达船长以外的船员这一概念时,

2. seaman的近义词

2. 希曼:其实这两场淘汰赛实际上都是门将主导的比赛,科普克象大多数德国守门员一样大器晚成,34岁才出现在国家队主力阵容,希曼(Seaman)那时正处在他的巅峰时期,看着这位留着小胡子的绅士2002年世界杯上的老态,依稀回忆起当年的神勇表现,

3. 船员:sailor 水手 | seaman 船员 | pilot 飞行员,领航员

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The good seaman is known in bad weather.(译〕坏天气才能认识良好的海员。)
Cook learnt fast and quickly became a skilled seaman.(库克学得很快,不久便成了一名技术熟练的水手。)
I dreamed about this one-legged seaman for many nights afterwards.(那以后我经常梦到他说的那个一条腿的水手。)
When I found this clay, everything else just faded into the background,” Seaman said.(“当我看到这种陶土的时候,其他的东西都显得黯淡无光了”,希曼说。)
The old seaman called for a glass of rum, and stood outside, drinking and looking around.(老海员要了一杯朗姆酒,站在客店外面,一边喝酒,一边向四周观望。)
Seaman taught art in Central America and was prepared to see the world by teaching when she became engaged.(希曼在中美洲教授艺术,当她订婚以后她准备通过教书来了解全世界。)
Seaman has enjoyed not only them, but also their creations.(希曼不仅享受与人的交流,还喜欢他们的创造力。)
Seaman sometimes incorporates other materials into her work, such as paint, paper and glass beads.(希曼有时候也会把其他材料引入自己的作品,比如彩绘,纸张还有玻璃珠子。)
I feel more in touch with my creator when I'm being creative, "Seaman said."(“当我在创作的时候我觉得自己与创造力更加接近了”,希曼说。)
"Never mind my name! Call me 'Captain'," the seaman replied.(“你不要留意我的名字,叫我‘船长’吧!”老海员回答。)
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